Despite the hotfix released on 14. November that should have fixed this, my guild group (EU Firemaw Alliance) killed Alysrazor on 15. November and his body remained floating high above the ground (too high for any ingame method to workaround it ,Lootarang etc …) Hos is this possible?
His body is still there as Im writing this which makes me mad cause if there were any real IN_GAME GMs this would have been a super simple fix. But ticket response will take atleast a couple days and by then noone will be able to “return” our loot even if that response wasnt generetic automatic script dribble … which it will be.
So in the offchance someone who actually can help me, reads this. PLS prove that It is possible to get the bare minimum of customer support for the years of subscription cost many of us have sunk into this game/company.