Alternative Wildhammer Racials

This thread is to suggest that the Wildhammer be given the option for a different set of racials. I actually think this should apply to any other sub-race/group given to us as customization such as the Sand Trolls, and Wildhammer, however, I will only focus on Wildhammer here.

General Summary:
The Wildhammer Dwarves customization options being brought to us in SLs will be an amazing addition to the game, but the racials for a Bronzebeard Dwarf don’t exactly feel right for the Wildhammer Dwarves whose culture and environment has been immensely different compared to the Bronzebeard Dwarves since the War of the Three Hammers.

You can find general information about the Wildhammer’s culture and ways here:

Their focus living above ground, their relationship with their Gryphons, their crafted Stormhammers, and their focus on Elemental spirits and nature spirits, and their Ancestor worship sets them apart from the Bronzebeard Dwarves and, I assume I don’t have to say, the Dark Iron Dwarves.

I’ve seen it a lot in other threads and so I’m going to link some info on their Stormhammers. They are not just shaman powers.

How To Accomplish?:
With this in mind I would like to ask Blizzard to consider adding in optional racials either tied to the selection of certain traits on a dwarf, or as a separate selection along with the other customizations so that a player can play more of the fantasy of a Wildhammer Dwarf.

Racial Options?:
Below I will outline some racials I’ve come up with and/or someone else has that I like. Feel free to suggest modifications or different ones if you’d like and I’ll try to add them to this list.

Racial Options:
Storm Hammer
Throw an electrified hammer at your foe dealing X nature damage and stunning them for x amount of time.

Gryphon Rider
You can use your Gryphons as a flight mount at level 10 and get (Whatever the flight level of riding will be called) for free.

Stam increased by 1% and poisons, disease, curse, magic and bleed duration are reduced by 10%.

Thank you for reading. I will leave some more Dwarf lore that I think might be interesting or pertinent for others to look through if they are interested.

[Also keep in mind this is mostly from Gamepedia which is not always 100% accurate though for these articles I haven’t noticed anything too far off. ]






Give the Alliance something? Lol, come on. You know better.

I’m all for more ways for players to customize their characters.



Actually I mention in the first bit there that I think this should be applied to any Horde sub race/groups as well.

Horde already get to choose a racial for a race. Zandalari Trolls can pick their passive racial.

Their racials is picking their loa. Its a little different than what I’m suggesting here.

I had something of a similar thought. They’d have to completely redo the character creation aspect of the game. And let’s say you select the Orc icon it’d drop down a tab with different clans with different racials and customization options you could have.


Exactly. Works well for humans too. Select from Stromgarde, Alterac, Lordaeron, Stormwind or even Wastewander.

I appreciate that!

I agree, its a shame the Wildhammer are the only of the three clans that don’t have their own racials and culture truly represented, but I get why Blizz are doing it this way.

Plus who knows… maybe they can add Frostborn later with this?


I always wanted to see Wildhammer’s racial traits and heritage armor.

I know you hate people being positive about the Alliance. But an Alliance allied race broke through the “core races only” customization rule.

And they are getting new skins/eyes/hair colors.

He is a MHP, be patient.


Alternatively and this is just a suggestion but what if Regular Dwarves on top of getting WH customization also got one racial to reflect that? Along with an additional Heritage armor quest and a Dwarf only Gryphon modeled in Wildhammer aesthetics? Or do you absolutely have to have “Wildhammer Dwarf” when you mouse over a character? Please don’t view this as an attack, this is a simple question on my part.

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I don’t even need “Wildhammer Dwarf” on mouse over. I just want some racial options to better represent them.

Every Wildhammer gets a Stormhammer. They grow up and pass trials to earn the right to wield them.

Every Wildhammer has a special relationship on par with family with their Gryphon.

So if they got a racial to reflect Wildhammer like the Stormhammer (the one I’d gravitate to) and they gave them an additional Heritage set and a special heritage of the Wildhammer Gryphon mount I’d be over the moon.

Edit: Though I’ve been fiddling a bit and you can make a pretty good Wildhammer dwarf look with the current dwarf Heritage. Just take the shoulders and helmet away and add some more Wildhammer appropriate ones plus a different chest. Its actually not bad at all.

Its sad to say that I’m not surprised you expect me to take that as an attack the way folk are on these forums.

I welcome these questions though. Please feel free to ask any others. :smiley:

While we’re at it there should be an alternative heritage armor questline for them as the current one is heavily focused on bronzbeard lore

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I’d be happy for that, of course, but as I outlined just a second ago above (while you were commenting, you didn’t miss it) you can manage a pretty ok Wildhammer look with the current one.

But yeah. The lore of getting the set does not reflect the Wildhammer at all, and it would be amazing if they gave the Wildhammer their own set to earn.

Only thing I don’t like about the new Wildhammer customization is it (probably) buries the possibility of a legit allied race for them.

I like the suggestions in this thread for ‘clans’ etc., but seems like a bigger overhaul than they have in mind.

Sure would love a great heritage armor set and awesome new gryphon model, though (my shaman uses the Proudmoore Sea Scout [green and gold] for his Wildhammer tabard set).

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I hear ya, but we can only play with the cards that have been dealt to us. Though we can at least attempt to help add to it.

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Yeah thats why I’m asking for this instead. The AR is likely never going to be. But I can see Blizzard consider this option.

I’ll probably use the Sea scout on mine too. lol

I think its worth it to at least ask. Maybe Blizzard will see it and like the idea. Maybe other players will like it and push for it too.

I can dream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just saying I completely support this, I love Wildhammer Clan, I shall name my first born child Brunesly. :+1:t4:

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I been a big supporter of Alternative racials like this for the High Elf customization coming to Void Elves and I absolutely support it for Wildhammers as well.

I’d like to see it go a step further though. Maybe add the Druid class to dwarves but restrict it to Dwarves who choose the Wildhammer option. You’d have to use the Wildhammer racials as well as the tattoos to have access to the druid class.

A great bonus option would be allowing some kind of option that you can tag yourself as a Wildhammer Dwarf or High Elf rather than a regular Dwarf or Void Elf.


I’m all for this, provided that the Horde get’s this as well with stuff like Forest Trolls, Shadowmoon Orcs etc…

It’d also be cool to see it happen for Highborne, and even allowing Humans to choose which Kingdom they came from.


I appreciate that! o-o

Absolutely could work for that too.

I would not be against that. I actually really want the druid class for Wildhammer but here I thought I’d campaign for the racials. :smiley:

I’d be happy just getting the racial options but anything else Blizz wants to add on. I’d love it.

Absolutely! This would need to be applied to all sub-race/groups.

Exactly. There are many applications.