Alterac Valley - what would you like?

If the “changes” you would make to 1.5 AV never occurred during vanilla, then you would be correct in your belief that I would oppose those non vanilla changes because they were never part of vanilla.

If the changes you would make to 1.5 AV occurred during vanilla, but in a later patch, then I would welcome discussion on those changes because they were part of vanilla.

You can call it an echo chamber if it makes you feel better.

I call it trying to ensure that pandora’s box is not even cracked or that Blizzard and the pro changers do not even get a toe in the door which they can try to use as precedent for further non vanilla changes.

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No it was that most players wanted AV to be an actual PvP BG not just a map where you summoned NPC’s.

I, personally, would prefer an earlier version of AV. I think the earlier versions of AV were vastly superior to the 1.12 zerg version.

I am not alone in that preference or opinion.

And yet during vanilla many people preferred the 1.12 version of AV.

No, it was that those players that had that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification, convenience oriented mindset wanted their “reward” as quickly as possible.

If AV was so popular in its 1.12 post nerf version, why did so many players just stop queuing for AV once they got the reward they wanted?

Why are we seeing so many “Once I get what I want, I’m done with AV” posts in this very thread?

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Those with that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification, convenience oriented mindset, maybe.

Why did so few players queue for it at all in 1.5?

“Pandora’s box” is cracked wide open already, you may as well dump your useless philosophy and join the calm and collected few who would prefer to trust the people bringing us this game, rather than prescribe to a failed philosophy that exists solely because of distrust and paranoia.

I guess this is the part where you try to convince me that Loot trading phased through Pandora’s box and therefore it’s still closed.

Maybe it seemed like fewer players queued for AV than for AB or WSG because AV lasted so much longer than AB or WSG.

On the servers on which I played, there was always at least one AV match going, and most of the time there were at least 2 AV matches going.

AB and WSG were the same. It was not like there were zero AV matches going and 10 WSG matches or 10 AB matches.

Talk about “Pandora’s box” and getting a toe in the door to use as precedent for further non vanilla changes.

That was the first place you went. Made a beeline for it, in fact. Grab a non vanilla change and use it as precedent for your further desired non vanilla changes. Talk about proving my point.

“Loot trading will be in, so any non vanilla change is open”, right?

And you wonder why there are so many that are opposed to non vanilla changes simply because they were never part of vanilla.



I can’t even do this anymore, it’s become so ridiculous. You made the stupid analogy, I pointed out that by your own definition your analogy has already come to pass and you go off on a paranoia laced tirade about how I’m using it as a reason to further my desires.

Maybe I misunderstood, but it sounded to me as if you were advocating changes for AV that never occurred during vanilla.

If I misunderstood, then I apologize for my misunderstanding.

If I did not misunderstand, and you were advocating changes to AV that were never made during vanilla, then I hope you can understand that your " ‘Pandora’s box’ is wide open already" comment with that subsequent reference to loot trading seems as if you are using loot trading as a precedent for those non vanilla changes to AV that you are advocating.

With regards to loot trading and “Pandora’s box”, though, maybe you missed the numerous threads opposing loot trading being part of Classic. It’s not like loot trading was ever universally accepted.

The endless quoting makes this thread a nightmare to read on mobile.

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Nope. Frankenpatch was discussed looooong before blizzard stated that 1.12 would be the foundation and that we should discuss what versions of vanilla elements we enjoyed.

Ah, “legitimate” as so judged by the classic forums favorite wall of no poster and non-stop troll, Zyrius.

AV, AB and WSG have existed through dozens of talent reworks. Sorry, but that is a pretty weak argument, even for someone of your weak argument stature.

They are not mutually exclusive, and Blizzard’s position is anything but set in stone.

Mister Misrepresentation strikes again!

AV, AB and WSG have existed through dozens of patches, xpacs and talent reworks.

Prove it. CRBG and a faster route to get the loot while avoiding PVP is what happened near the end of vanilla. It simply became more easily speed run to the loot and then tossed aside.

Popular does not mean better. McDonalds hamburgers are “popular”.

There was never a “best” patch version of vanilla. Each element of it over it’s timeline had separate high points. Making it “authentic” does not equate to picking a single patch version and rolling with it.

I suspect he is implying that 1.12 talents would make 1.5/1.6 AV a zerg… or something.


Seriously, lets say 1.12 are used, full stop. Are you seriously implying that the early versions of AV could become a zerg? If 1.12 talents are used, what version of AV would have a lesser chance of becoming a zerg: 1.17 or 1.12 AV?

I have no doubt that had MC been nerfed so that those who wanted the gear could get it more easily and more quickly, Zyrius would say it became more “popular” and therefore better.

Gee I don’t know, perhaps it was due to less people being high eneough level by then? Crazy, I know. Another thing you seem to leave out of your “popularity” equation: AB and WSG could be queued for starting at L10. AV: L50.

6 10-level brackets compared to 1 (at the beginning when AV was 50-60). F-ing numbers, how do they work?

Your logic is like asking why more people were running Scarlet Monastery than Onyxia or Molten Core.

Nobody I witnessed was even remotely asking for that on the forum. It was something blizzard decided to slip in and immediately got negative feedback about. I would not be shocked if they walked that back or at least limited it to masterloot only.

Agreed. It is much easier to select the text you want to quote and click on the “quote” button that pops up.

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At blizzcon they mentioned 10 or 15 man UBRS ect, 15 man UBRS didn’t exist with 1.12 talents but they are considering it anyway because it might be a better version of classic.
It’s no different if they go with 1.5 AV with 1.12 talents because it will be a more complete version of classic.


Guess what I’m going to be playing both so I yeah i would prefer an AV similar to how it is in retail in classic, but I know I’m not getting that so I would prefer the version in 1.12 which is not in retail.

You have the version you want which you can play whenever you want, but you don’t want another version to exist? That…is amazingly petty.

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The version of 1.12 doesn’t exist in retail? Where in my statement did I say I don’t want another version to exist?

Why play the 1.12 version when you can play the exact version you want anytime you want, and currently?

“I prefer my Neapolitan with jimmies on top that I can currently pig out on, so I want the vanilla flavor that those other people have been asking for over a decade for to be rocky road flavored vanilla”
- Posted on an account created in 2018

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Because I too will also play Classic? Is it to hard for your to comprehend that people will play both games?

I don’t care what version of AV is given to us. The question that was asked, which one would you like, I stated I would prefer the one in 1.12. You prefer something else, cool, idc which one is given as I will play regardless, I’m not like some who will immediately back out because their some special player that wants the game cater to their wants.