Alterac Valley - what would you like?

Odd, the word “instance” is used nowhere in that statement. When I read “world” I tend to think of everything you can access without traveling through a portal into instanced content. I DID note the word “almost” was used.

I would definitely prefer a ~patch1.5 version of Alterac Valley, with tough NPCs, etc. It was truly an epic battleground, with enormous battles that would lag most computers when it came out. With the improvements in internet speed, PCs, and servers over the years, it will be so much more enjoyable for everyone.

It might take a couple hours to finish a game, but that’s a lot of the fun of classic (killing the other faction for hours on end). Plus, early AV fits a BG niche that Warsong and Arathi can’t fill.


Then Naxx is out on release and I can farm CC rep in Silithus as soon as I hit 60?

Good to know.

Surely you can differentiate between the switch on CC rep gains being flicked off and going in and rebuilding 1.5/1.6 AV in the 1.12 data? If you haven’t noticed, Classic is being built on the modern client. If you had played WoW in the last 4 years, you’d know that things can be turned on, live.

Oh who am I kidding, you’re a no-changer.

Cenarion Circle changes in Silithus are part of a much larger set of revamps to the Silithus zone. Reverting Silithus to its pre-1.7 state will involve a great deal of work and will undoubtedly involve many changes to the “sacrosanct” 1.12 data. And yet, they’re doing it anyway.

To answer your question, yes I can differentiate between removing CC rep and reverting to 1.5 AV. Can you?


Oh, you believe they’re going to go with some pseudo-patch progression. Thinking they’re going to do more than disabling NPC’s, events and instance portals, lol.

They don’t have to alter any of the data for their content release plan. Here, I’ll link this for you to re-read and you can try to understand where you’re wrong:

Ion Hazzikostas: “We really had this, 1.12 data that we’ve been able to restore, and we viewed that as almost sacrosanct . That’s everything from, ya know, the world; and the questlines and the stories, to individual player abilities; creature health, tuning and so forth.”

They’re not reverting to some pre-1.7 Silithus, I don’t know how you can even come to that conclusion. They’re simply disabling things, and then enabling them when the time is right.

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The point is that Silithus is getting a huge rework. People are treating 1.12 data as an untouchable monolith, but regardless of how they revert Silithus, they’ll need to alter 1.12 data to accommodate.


Alright man, you keep thinking that.


There should be enough questions to reach 60 now with silithus being open.

I would like to have the AV that could last for a week with dangerous npcs and multiple ivus and lohk summons.
I still fondly remember my first AV and it was just an endless tug of war from SH gy to SF gy.
I also remember seeing a night elf hunter with the rank of field marshal and the green PvP gear kiting all the horde npcs like a boss.

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I would like the older AV, or some combination including all of the turn ins and extra side quests.

It would also be nice if the summonable raid bosses couldn’t be easily kited by 1 hunter to the generals room. All that effort gone to waste.


This is key for me as well.

Some of the fiercest and most desperate PvP fighting I have ever encountered was in AV trying to summon Ivus in mid or trying to kill the Horde flight master or break a Horde turtle in their base… it was insane, addictive, and unforgettable.

THAT is the AV I want. A f-ing WAR!


Old av is best av


I want early AV. Pre-1.10. Any update after is taking the E out of PvPvE.
I am glad this is an important topic for everyone. Blizzard probably won’t decide until they begin working on the first patch which adds BGs.

Removing NPCs from AV does not increase PvP. It encourages rushing. And with the games taking half the time they originally took, you barely have time to do all the quests in the zone. Streamlining AV makes no sense because it goes against the PvPvE design.

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I’d go earlier. 1.8 was when they cut off two parts of the map. It also drastically nerfed the npcs. So I’d say 1.7 at the latest.


This is absolutely correct. AV Marks of Honor where hard to come by, when compared to WSG and AB. Everyone was lacking AV Marks of Honor. This in turn created the non participation cave dwellers and the please let them win quick crowd. Blizzard then started nerfing AV to generate more Marks of Honor. IMO it would have been better to remove Marks of Honor from AV.

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Way fewer 60s?

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Stop it! Your making me agree with you.

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This has happened a lot in the last 24 hours…

But to further your point.
By 1.5 (June 2005) there was around 2 million subs.
By 1.12 (August 2006) there was around 7 million subs. And CRBG helped make ques shorter.

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