Alterac Valley - what would you like?

I’d prefer the earliest possible AV with the landmines and maximum strength NPCs. Why? It made racing much, much, much harder because you couldn’t just rush past everything.


Blizzard thinks the current game is good. Back when people complained about the av nerfs, blizzard told them wintergrasp would be good/better and more like what they wanted. Yeah , we should totally trust what blizzard feels is “good”.


Except we’re not talking about changes made after vanilla. In this case these were changes that were made by the original devs of AV during vanilla because they saw how bad the original AV was.

Ah, I get it. Changes during vanilla were good changes because the devs thought it was bad. Changes to av after vanilla were bad changes because ~reasons~


The question was directed at all in the forum, not just people who agree one way. I ultimately don’t care what AV is given in Classic, do I have a preference? Yes, just like everyone else has one. However unlike you, I plan on playing regardless of what AV is given. By your answers if 1.12 is the AV we get I doubt you will even play Classic.

AV was a huge reason for my consideration of returning to wow for classic. So yeah, you’d be right.

He’s going to play no matter what Blizzard does, just like all the other people making empty threats of abstinence unless Blizzard caters to their demands in full.

Naw he’s stated numerous times that if it isn’t the AV he wants he’s out.

What he states and what he does are two different things.

Wrong, troll. I like a number of others will simply jump on private servers for our AV fix rather than pay blizzard $15 a month for the exact same thing.

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Jump on private servers to play the same version of AV that Classic will probably run with? Rofl.


Only time will tell, I however will be playing regardless. Everyone gets to tied into their own personal wants and they can’t let their wants go.

The last significant change to AV after vanilla was reinforcements, which weren’t added for quite sometime.

Hmm this thing costs $15 a month. This identical thing is free to play.

I was making a point, which you clearly cannot comprehend.

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Hhahahahahah, this is freaking great. “Identical” as the Russian speedhackers run around and you have your 240 MS ping on a server with 300 people because everyone’s on Classic.

Totally worth saving that $15 a month, roflroflrofl.

Reinforcements actually slowed the game down due to the fact people actually wait for towers to drop before rushing the boss, also in rated BGs playing around reinforcements is the way to go.

Reinforcements actually evened things out quite a bit due to the fact Alliance can’t turtle anymore to win the game. Thus Alliance has the superior push but the Horde now actually has the superior defense especially since they scaled the mobs to be 120.

Funny enough before BfA Alliance had the superior offense and defense. This is not the case anymore.

Oh, is that what the 2 most popular PS are like?

It’s pointless even discussing this with you any further. You are literally Zyrius-lite.

edit: even your liked lists are proof of your trolliness.

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I’m not going to link the numerous Northdale videos showcasing all the garbage that goes on in the most popular private servers. You’re a big boy, you know how to use google.

You guys have an overlap in your likes?

Ion Hazzikostas: “We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World of Warcraft.”

Ion Hazzikostas: “We really had this, 1.12 data that we’ve been able to restore, and we viewed that as almost sacrosanct. That’s everything from, ya know, the world; and the questlines and the stories, to individual player abilities; creature health, tuning and so forth.”

It seems unlikely that we’ll be getting anything other than 1.12 AV. It’s unfortunate but anyone expecting otherwise is likely going to be sorely disappointed as 1.12 AV is all but confirmed.