Alterac Valley - what would you like?

You prefaced it by saying you prefer the current iteration of AV, so you want as close to that in classic.

Actually what you started off with was:

and followed it up with:

What we are asking you is why you would want the one in classic to change when you can get AV the exact way you want it already.

Did you play AV during vanilla?

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Yeah I played AV in Vanilla wasn’t a big fan tbh. I prefer the changes but I know the changes won’t be in Classic thus I would prefer the 1.12 version of AV. I don’t see how this is so hard to comprehend.

Saying “I want the quickest AV possible” is precisely the type of player mindset that Classic should not endeavor to cater to.


Some people do not understand that the retail, instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) gratification, convenience oriented mindset is antithetical to vanilla.

Other players are not obstacles in their way. BG’s are not a “race” to be completed in 10 minutes. Dungeons are not meant to be AOE zerg fests.

Classic is all about needing to invest time and effort. Classic is not about convenience and rewards being handed out like candy.


This is true though, you compete for resources, you compete for mats, you compete with other guilds for world bosses, you compete with just anyone doing the same quest as you.

But they are? People will always pick the strat that finishes the BG as quickly as possible. The zerg strat wasn’t the only strat in 1.12 but it was the fastest thus it was the preferred.

People will always play the game differently than others there is no one true way to play an MMO.

Guys are dreaming if you thinks it’s going to be anything but 1.12. They’re not going to cherry pick a random version.

You are talking about the post nerf version of AV. That would be the garbage version that existed AFTER Blizzard unwisely decided to try to cater to that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) graitification, convenience oriented mindset.

The original, glorious version of AV was never meant to be completed in 10 minutes. WSG and AB were the “short” BG’s intended for those with that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) graitification, convenience oriented mindset who had no patience and could not wait for their rewards.

I would say that bringing that retail, instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) graitification, convenience oriented mindset to Classic is the wrong way to even approach, let alone play, Classic.

How many times were we told we were dreaming to ask for Legacy servers?

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So wait a minute firs you say BGs aren’t suppose to be quick, than you change what you’re saying to AB and WSG were for the quick mindset crowd, but AV wasn’t but AV was changed just as quick to be in the quick as possible completion. If Blizzard wanted AV to be the way it was when it was implemented, it wouldn’t have changed, there is a reason why they changed it, it was preferred.

But again I’ll reiterate with I don’t care which AV Classic has, I’ll be playing regardless, I’m not like some who are going to cry because they don’t get what they want.

Fesz in the kiting thread trying to come up with every reason why we shouldn’t able to kite Kazzak to Stormwind. Mogar playing on a PvE server his entire WoW career. Both of them trash talking convenience oriented mindsets, rofl.

Hey Mogar, I see you’re resubbed back to BfA, you should try warmode out! Or would that be too inconvenient for you?

AB and WSG were not 10 minute races when they were originally implemented, although they were intended to be shorter than AV.

AV was changed due to the incessant whining from those with an instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) graitification, convenience oriented mindset in an unwise and mistaken attempt to cater to that mindset.

With the mindset that you have so far displayed, I doubt you will be playing Classic long.


I honestly don’t think you will be playing classic if Blizzard decides to implement anything different from what you want. I’ve played through Vanilla and I’ll be playing Classic regardless of any changes.

I prefer Vanilla to BfA so yeah regardless of anything that happens to Classic that is most likely what I’ll be playing mostly and just playing retail on Tuesdays to finish the weekly objectives.

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You claim that you prefer Classic to retail, yet you want the retail AV and any number of other retail conveniences. Those two seem to contradict each other.

If you do hang around Classic, I certainly hope that you and I are on different servers. At the very least, I know that neither you nor anyone with that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant”) graitification, convenience oriented mindset will never be part of any guild in which I am a member.

I like some of the QoL mechanics retail has but I vastly prefer the game mechanics that Vanilla, specifically BC had. I take game mechanics over the QoL features. It’s not that hard to figure out.

Yet you want the retail, zerg rush AV.

To me, that says a lot.

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Does retail have talents? Does retail offer RPG elements? Does retail offer meaningful professions?

Yeah I enjoy a lot of the QoL mechanics that it offers, but for me they’re not deal breakers if they don’t exist, I’ve played without them. I would like some of them to be in Classic but I know that’s not happening. I don’t advocate for them either.

Also rated AV is not a zerg rush if you’re playing to win now a days on Horde. In fact the most common start in rated AV is to turtle up at TB/ICB and win by making Alliance run out of reinforcements.

The reason I prefer retails AV is also because it’s the AV in which both factions are nearly equal in terms of strength. Every implementation of Vanilla AV Alliance has a big advantage over Horde via how their base and towers are implemented.

The difference that you do not grasp is that while you already have the version you prefer, the version that WE prefer was taken away from us. No matter what, you have nothing to lose. We just want back what we lost.

But hey if you feel like calling it “crying”, so be it.

Those “advantages” were not as apparent in the early versions of the BG due to the NPCs all being present and at full strength. This has been explained over and over. The faster speed brought on by nerfs is what caused those things to matter.

What version of AV was in when you first began to play it?

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You lost the original version of AV during vanilla because it wasn’t very good to begin with and blizzard knew it. And no the current version has reinforcements which is what actually created the zerg.

Reinforced the zerg maybe, created probably not - as with what many people pointed out in this thread (and also my personal experience), the zerg strategy was very much prevalent and alive in 1.12. Good is a matter of subjectivity I guess - you didn’t like it, and you’re not the only one; but for what it’s worth, most people on my server on classic back then felt AV post NPC nerf to be really boring, despite it being faster. /shrug.