Alterac Valley balance changes, patch 8.1

When is the last time you played AV?


Yesterday … and lost . The day before , we won. 3 days back , lost. I have lost more times in AV than any other BG.

Horde win AV more than alliance do.


We weren’t supposed to remember that lol.

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Possibly but alliance win more than usual on AV compared to other BG’s. Seems odd that of all the BG’s they choose to make more alliance friendly , they picked the one where the alliance actually consistently win.


It’s the one map that needs attention.


If I had to guess there will be one path to IWB, which could be a choke point in of itself.

Not entirely sure how this helps alliance as it just encourages Horde to play even more defensive.

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Alliance have had a huge terrain advantage for years (still do) and you do nothing.

Horde start winning because they play better and want conquest so you make give alliance a new terrain edge because f horde amirite? /spit

Combine that with the warmode alliance buff and the free 370 gear you hand them for existing… Gee, what faction do the devs main? Pathetic.


No horde started winning because blizzard forced them to use their advantage with the npc change. The horde lost all the years prior because they were so bad at the game.


What’s this terrain advantage? We got a brain dead choke we can stack to protect every resource?


Yeah, devs main alliance and are salty.

Also the new forum design is garbage.


Ooooh! How exciting!

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Interesting to see what this will be like. I’m having difficulty picturing it.

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If it was a straight up base race alliance will win 9/10 times because the terrain advantage.

The way horde wins is by slowing down or stoping that rush via a strong defense at IBT. Leaving only a small force on offense to slowly chip away at towers.

I’m surprise the Alliance had not adapted to this Strat yet


Except there is no terrain advantage in a straight up race. There are videos of both sides full on zerging and arriving within 3 seconds of each other.

There is a terrain advantage in a defensive game. And it’s horde at IB.

For reference:
AV Race


The only thing I can imagine that would actually help Alliance would be to cut off the front approach to SHB, so Horde had to go past/through the SHGY flag to get to SHB. That would make the map more symmetric.

I don’t really want to make the map more symmetric, though; the old map was the same during periods of Horde dominance and Alliance dominance, so it was largely balanced. It’s the reinforcement system that causes the imbalance by providing an alternative win path that’s easier for Horde; that’s what needs to be fixed.


To be fair I haven’t seen a reinforcement win in months. It’s been nothing but races to the general kill.

Reinforcement wins have fallen off recently, but it’s because a lot of Alliance just give up after getting wiped at Iceblood. These would be reinforcement wins if Alliance kept fighting hard, which I still see on occasion.

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Have you actually watched the videos in your link?


Yes I have.