I am Oryan
Haha sorry Hawk. Join the damn AoS group on bnet that I linked. Also Kurj is in there, he’s going to be playing Classic as far as I know.
I’ve talked to all of them, but I think Mig is the only one that’s going to play.
I recently texted gumbel a screenshot of my 4str 4stam leather belt.
He was not amused. I was though.
Make sure to congratulate him on his polearm for me.
I will be on classic, Gumbel i’m afraid most likely will not, but there is hope for Bum.
Yo, what’s up Mig. I figured Gumbel wouldn’t be back.
Also, there’s quite a few of us now in the server group on bnet, from various guilds. Nothing official is happening but the immediate goal is to all roll on the same server, even if we’re in separate guilds. I’m trying to talk to people to get things as coordinated as possible, hopefully we can pick a server before the 12th so we can all reserve our names. The main thing is to dodge the big streamer server. I’ll post back here once it’s decided.
Hey everyone I used to play ne Druid named detra in the guild focus and for the life of me I don’t remember the guild we played against in bgs the most through each bracket, I remember a rogue and a Tauren who I talked to via the old forums and we had some world pvp happen quite a few times… anyway if you remember and want to chit chat hit me up detro#1223
Jesus, of all the guilds we’ve made the one that people remember is Epeenus Magnus.
You know who i want back? Vio and his brother, Beef-something.
Seriously, Epeenus was me Whitex and Tresgodly just thinking of stupid names in Org.
Runez the dumb troll mage checking in.
Hoping to patch things up with people for the things I did in my teens!
im Zezima the tauren ele shaman, rank 10 pvp… my guild (idk name ) had the first 14 rank 14s! Looking for those who knew of my shaman
hello kids
It’s looking like the bulk of the group we have cobbled together is going to be playing Hordeon either Stalagg or Herod.
The character reservations open on Monday at I believe 6pm EST. If you’re interested in playing with all of us, I’d reserve a Ally toon on both of those realms, and we’ll decide where to go at some point before launch.
And again, if you want to reconnect, we have the Bnet community group here , which has been surprisingly active.
Update Looks like we’re actually going to end up going Horde. I’ll get it confirmed by tonight.
Any Wrath era members?
PENTT. You playing??
Clissic - UD Mage
Guild: Invictus
Looking for Choppin, Kam, Hadar, Gum, Flerbert, Sushl or any of the guys from Azshara
Update Looks like we’re actually going to end up going alliance. I’ll get it confirmed by tonight.
That’s a shame.
Character: Sac
Guild: Nub Down
We were around right at the start of the server.
Grumples, Solla, Coldethyl, Armus, Huang, you guys here?!
Why you looking for Sushl ? You need a Mongoose enchant your mats+ 200g?
I had no idea you were still playing man.