Yeah you were in our guild
Did you play in the lvl 29 bg’s for a while by any chance?
Trying to find twinks from the Nightfall Battlegroup
Looking for the group of 29 twinks that played in the Nightfall battlegroup. We had multiple guilds spread across the battlegroup and supported weekly battleground nights for level 29s.
Looking to find the group that played together across the battlegroup.
Mauhdeeb - Gnome Mage Deathwing
For anyone that was in Focus, we have setup a discord to reconnect with others. Just reach out using my battletag id (Fed #1892).
I remember you Thomp! I rem;ember all the above mentioned guilds
Its been so long man I honestly don’t remember a lot of names and stuff. I was like 13 or so back then lol.
I’d love to reconnect though!
Hey guys, here’s another tool to make it a little easier to reconnect with everyone: vanillafriends(dot)com
Human hunter in vanilla, turned draenei in BC. Named Elmerfud. The vanilla guild i was in was pretty small, don’t remember the name. In BC I was in the Righteous Crusade.
Thomp! Remember you and the group. This is RD (rdaccord) Im still playing with skag periodically even though he went nasty wasty hordies and with Dynamic when I can guilt him into it. Tyra even jumps on every now and then.
"RD"accord, Dreanei, Shaman / Huntdaddy, NE, Hunter
Guild: Manus Domini <-- Earned the guild note!
Guildies- Skag, Dynamic, Tyra, MitchellD, Capn, Onion, Hiwalanii, Stickss,
Hey! That’s awesome. Didn’t know so many of you were still playing retail. Does everyone plan on switching over to classic for a while? What server you gonna roll on?
Add me: Thomp#11617
I don’t remember the guild nor the players name, but I used to sing a song during the instances: “heal the taaaank, heal the taaaaank”… and everyone would laugh their asses off.
Are you one of my old guild mates?
I remember you, I was ’ Thelol’ prot paladin… I just remember seeing a badass shaman in IF all the time
I played a Night Elf druid named Sobeck, I cant remember any of the guild names from back then though
HOLY S THOMP! Its Emillex from Manus. I have Tryas facebook burt I remember all those guys.
I used to play a druid named Tinydruidman. I may be mistaken, but I’m pretty sure I recognize the name Sobeck. I think I pvp’d in Durotar with you at some point when I was a brand new to the game at like level 7 or something and you were 30-40.
+1 for the homies in Manus Domini. Don’t worry, I’m not 16 anymore. Also looking for super old leveling buddies Deil, Damplayer, Icebeard, Nalauric
I might have yelled a bit here…
We’ll always be 16 in our hearts.
Hollyyyy snikeys…Lissy!