Alright, you win. I quit

I’m done with WoW, you guys took how loot worked, threw it in the trash (see my other thread) and made leveling up and trying to play useless.

I can’t earn any items I want, I have to RNG it constantly. You tossed the badge and point system, what else am I supposed to do? I have no incentive to level or gear an alt.

I’ve been running dungeons all day on my alt (two days, if you want to be technical).

I would like to list the amount of gear I have gotten since I started heroic and M0, after running an entire day. Are you ready for this? Are you ready?

I have:
A pair of gloves.
A sidegrade for a ring I got out in the open world. (I’m being generous here, I only side-graded it for a, guess what RNG socket).
A downgrade for bracers for the unlocking the cape quest.
A horseman’s ring that was actually traded by someone who didn’t needed. (If you call it a dungeon).

Now, you’re saying: What item level is this alt?

Hey, that’s pretty good, right?

No. Everything I’ve gotten has been from, surprisingly, a form of badge system (mana pearls), buying it on the AH, or cheesing Legion.

How did I cheese Legion? Don’t do any relic quests until 48-49. +20 item levels per slot, got my dreadblades to level 80 on them so they’re better than heroic BFA weapon items.

I got neck levels from doing the Nazjatar quest. I got cloak levels by doing the Legendary quest.

Any other items - guaranteed WORLD QUEST items.

Does anyone NOT see the problem?

If you have to rely on guaranteed drops when the progression is supposed to be:

Leveling > Dungeons > Mythics > Raids.

I should NOT be having to rely on World Quests and fail every single expletiveing dungeon for any form of loot, get two or three lockouts from Mythic dungeons, then gain no loot whatsoever.

Your gearing is backward, your gearing system is terrible. There’s no fail-safes that used to exist still around.

If I’m supposed to follow your leveling progression and not doing this during a prepatch, my character would NEVER, I repeat NEVER, progress beyond normal dungeons.

Luck should not be a MAJOR determining factor in progression in a game. It used to not be. In BC, we used to aim for things we wanted from vendors. In Wrath, same thing. In Cataclysm, same thing. Because I have ungodly luck, I relied on those systems in those expansions to even be able to PLAY THE GAME. Even WoD had apexis crystals!

Just because I have bad luck, my alt should never be played again? There’s no incentive to play them. I’m top damage in every dungeon I’m in, I’m not dying to random mechanics like others, but it seems like all the worst players are getting gear. They’re being rewarded for failure and I’m being punished for actually doing what I’m supposed to do in dungeons.

That’s not right.

This is not a game, this is a casino simulator with mechanics, in which the worst gamblers get more stuff. We don’t get rewarded for completing dungeons, we don’t get rewarded for performing better than the other guy trying to eat his keyboard, and so on.

Update from lower below:
Name people who are happy with the following:

Removal of PVP vendors.

Removal of Gear vendors at all.

Pruning of abilities (I know we got a good chunk back in SL, but getting back what you’ve had taken from you and having it claimed as a new ability and a feature is insulting).

Moderator: Using words like “Blizzard” in your title to draw attention to your thread is a violation of the forum rules. Edited title to remove violation.


Random gear drops have always been random.

There are so many more sources for gear now then there ever was. If world quests and the emissary gear isn’t enough for you there’s the benthic gear from Nazjatar. The only thing missing is a vendor named Pez whose neck tilts back to dispense a piece of gear each visit.


We used to have these things called badges. Where we could strive to get gear after putting in a lot of work in these things called heroic dungeons. It encouraged and gave me incentive to play, because I knew how much I needed to run to get a replacement I knew I wouldn’t be getting with my luck.

It was a guaranteed way to get loot that you wanted or needed.

Saying you have more sources of RNG gearing is like saying you have different kinds of arsenic for someone to drink and they should pick their poison.


My 68 ilvl newly leveled character with a legion 80 weapon, benthic gear, purchased trinkets and rings, saw only ilvl 60 world quest gear. He could not even theoretically have gotten an upgrade from that gear. Ilvl 85 is marginal for soloing elite quests, but that is mythic-0 ilvl gear. My conclusion is that casuals are going to be required to do mythic+ dungeons to get gear adequate to do world quests.

Watch the playerbase circling the drain.


So while you said a lot of truth, you’re upset about an alt being ilvl 86 in 2 days? I mean what you want ilvl 120? Your ilvl is good for what it is and maybe over the next week u might can get it to 90-100 but once SL drops it all becomes useless.


Bruh. I BOUGHT a good chunk of my gear.

I got the rest from catch-up quests for the legendary cloak. I tried to hard to get an ilevel 100 piece, I bought a frickin’ reroll token for one of the Assault World bosses and got gold both times.

As stated. Only, legitimately, THREE pieces of my gear were even gotten from dungeons. You know. Supposedly the PRIMARY gearing method. AFTER TWO DAYS OF RUNNING.

This is unacceptable. If I can’t progress a character because, well, my luck is bad, what’s the point of having a character?

It’s why I’m even writing my own D20 system with no auto-failures in the system. Because having a 5% chance to just fail to hit a random squirrel that’s 19 and 3/4ths level below you is still bullcrap.

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Considering that this ilvl could be obtained in 1 day of doing world quests pre-prepatch, you’re expecting an awful lot of players to earn gear that is inadequate for any type of content.

There has never been a prepatch before where the lowest type of gear became much harder to acquire. This is what you are supporting, the opposite of catch up. More like hold back gear.


Who cares? BFA is over and the event coming up for the prepatch gives gear lol.


This is the new gearing system. If you play the game, you should care about what’s coming.


even if we had the badge system, God I do miss that, you would not have had enough badges to get an upgrade in 2 days more than likely. I easily got all my alts with a week of dinging 120 (now 50) around ilvl 85 to 90 without even trying hard. I do hate the system and like I said I agree with a lot of you said but getting upgrades good enough to solo content is extremely easy.


No it’s not. Bonus rolls are gone and the new loot system isn’t in yet.

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Oh, see? Look at that. You’re advocating exactly what I said.

Earning badges for guaranteed gear.

Something tells me that Shadowlands isn’t going to give you that.

Fully geared a tank in 3 days in Wrath after running so many dungeons. Try me again, fam. You can’t stop a dedicated neckbeard when they know how to get what they want.


I went from leveling to dungeons to mythical to mythic + and raid just fine. I also did them with a group of people I know just in case they didnt need the thing they got. But that’s cause after leveling 15 toons I got sick of pugs

This is no longer possible.

It no longer is.

No, just a currency you can use for gear if you don’t pick something from the loot board.

Judging by the honor gear system…

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Geared this tank decently easy as a casual without trying proving your neckbeard has no clue how to gear, imagine if I tried???

Which is completely different. So, ok?

Pick one.


In what time period did you do this? Post-prepatch, you weren’t getting any gear upgrades from world quests. Did you spam mythic+ dungeons?