Alpha worgen model

So since the cata classic is confirmed and as the title says, this thread is about the original worgen model (aka alpha worgen model) that was supposed to appear in cata few years ago. Im not going to slander about the awful model we received and for leaving the players with no option to choose. Now is the perfect opportunity to give worgen players the option to choose between the models. Please people who don’t care just not put unnecessary comments and provoke . And people who want to see it as an option, please support this thread.


Eh, sure, why not? More options is always best.


It’s probably the one and only thing that will make me playing Cataclysm Classic.

The Alpha models needed only few polish so Blizzard, make it happens.

Give us the Alpha models!


Yes, let us have the Alpha models instead of the rabid chihuahua models. Or give us a choice between the models. Otherwise I might stick with my Night Elf DK for Cata Classic.


That’s the model that made most people to fell in love with the worgen race, and i don’t believe it will be hard to implement it.

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The question is: Do they still have the models in their database?
It’s one thing to implement already existing assets and make some tweaks, it’s another one to redo everything from scratch.
And if they have lost the datas… We can forget about having the Alpha model.

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Well, there was one private server with extra races including worgen and they were using the alpha model, it was the near months so i have a little hope. :roll_eyes: :smiley:

I concur, alpha models it is. I was just thinking how worgen didn’t exist for me from cata to halfway through bfa when they updated the model and made it passable. I always liked the look of the alpha model and I’d sign up just for a chance to play what we didn’t get.


If i remember correctly, the devs are supposed to open a thread to let us ask questions for the next Q&A.
I guess that they will never answer us for the customizations options on retail, but i don’t think that’s problem for them to answer this one for the Alpha model as a simple “no” is enough.

Yeah, i really want the answer to be yes… ;d the biggest kick in the … back then was the new model, it’s chasing me until nowadays :smiley: now the universe is giving a little chance… at least will try :smiley:


Well the current model we have is still far better than the old one albeit that i regret to not be able to do a fiercer worgen with some reroll.

As for playing with the Alpha model, i never go to any private server because of a lack of time (and trust) so i never got the chance to play with this model.

But playing with it at Cataclysm Classic? Suddenly i would have an interest to take some time to play this Classic.


I remember being a child and wanting that model, and still today i dont have it

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Try to ask here: World of Warcraft Post-BlizzCon Q&A

I submitted the question as well.

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For the love off. Give us hairstyles that aren’t parasitic mullets.


Me too, i will spam the … out of it :smiley:

Wrong Q&A thread.


Damn, thank you

As far as i understood, cata classic will offer the option to choose between wod updated character model and the classic ones, that’s killing the minimal chance for alpha worgen deeply…

Should i remind you that OUR updated model was at BfA? If i have to take these words literaly, we will not get our new model.

Anyway, i posted my question to the devs in both the USA and French forum. I hope that they can at least tell us yes or no.
I would be fine with a “no” without explanation, the chances were very slim to begin with.

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What a kick between the legs that will be! I also wrote to both forums, hope dies last. ;d