Almost 30 realms are full, how many people is that?

There’s always going to be a classic community. Private servers have been around for years. I don’t know what percentage of the population will stay but I wouldn’t worry about the long term health of the game.


What are the servers max population by the way? 4-5k?

Blizzard knows what we want, now we have to see if their willing to pay for it.

What are the servers max population by the way? 4-5k?

Rumor I’ve heard going around is 20k can’t confirm or deny

I actually heard 50k at one point. So… 50k x 30 relams + 100k queued = 1.6 million.

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waaay more than that friend

Hard to say because of layering, but the server volumes at “full” are roughly 5k - 6k players, layering is multiples of that to some extent.

People discussed a while back if they had decreased their server capacities in order to keep realms looking more active in description. Redefining what “high pop” really was. Then masking it with CRZ

This plus the collective number of people waiting in queue across all realms in all regions would actually be amazing information for Blizzard to release right now. Watch how the math makes it look.

Lets say each server holds a max of 10,000 with another 15,000 that can wait in Queue. So 25,000 total players each per realm.

Times 30. 750,000 players JUST in the Americas. It’s not out of the question that right now, at this moment, Classic has more people playing plus trying to play than Retail actually has playing.


50k seems like it wouldn’t be feasible to phase out layering like the claim they want to do in phase 2. Just my two cents

No, it’s much higher than that because each realm has multiple layers. It’s like having 3-4 realms rolled into one right now. At least 3-4 layers I’m sure.

Herod probably is something like 100,000 players, other realms are likely from 25,000 to 50,000.

Well over a million people playing a game that they said we didn’t want.


Layering does not increase server size.

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This doesn’t seem possible if they’re really planning to do away with layering. Are they projecting to lose 90% of the players on Herod? They could just be full of crap too

Well, for Classic they have drastically increased server capacities to the point a medium realm has more people than a full realm in retail.

The blue posts explain it more.

Classic world of warcraft was a force of nature, it doesnt matter how badly this launch goes.

Blizzard knows they got us by the balls with this one, they can do what every they want to us.

Depends on how many layers per realm.

Damn even when i start work at 6am and get home at 3pm PST I cant beat the queues, I had to change from Whitemane 14k and try fairbanks which had 7k. nearly 3 hours in I still have 3100 in front of me. =(

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Interesting. I’m just highlighting that there’s really no way to know how many people there are because of the revamps in the past. There’s no real foundation to go on unless they tell us capacity.

We were actually playing all day today on Atiesh but stupidly logged out to go get Thai food and take a walk. Should have either stuck a toothpick in the spacebar or just ate hot pockets and tough out the DVTs