Almost 20 Years Now, And We Still Don't Have

did u log on and off lol

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Shouldn’t have to.

There are reasons why one might not want to log off and back on, such as gold and xp trackers.

There should be other ways out of this stupid bug, one that’s been with the game ever since release. C’mon, it’s almost been 20 years now. They should have either fixed it or given everyone a more reasonable way out of it.

Yeah it’s like he comes into this thread that I didn’t create singles me out to run his mouth at and then pretends that a problem doesn’t exist when a few of us are actually talking about it actually happening. Lmao. And they wonder why my ignore list gets so long on every character I post on in here LOL

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Literally myself and someone else before me mentioned doing exactly that. It usually doesn’t get you out of combat unless you just go ahead and log out for half an hour or 40 minutes. In which case you would be out of combat anyways if you just kept playing. Logging out doesn’t seem to speed up the bug doing its thing

And as I mentioned previously this is a bug and it has every symptom of a bug because it doesn’t behave consistently. If it was just simply a matter of the mechanics of this game it would be consistent and it would happen to every single player in this game. It would happen exactly the same for every single player in this game if this was working as designed.

It’s clearly a bug because it’s not even consistent for me. This only happens maybe a few times over a given month. The problem is it usually happens in packs. Like it will happen three times in one day. And then it won’t happen for a week and a half. It’s just annoying enough that it needs to be fixed but not so annoying that we just quit.

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Lets see how many apologists will blame you and claim to have never experienced this lol . Blizzard forum gpt.


This and suiciding to get out of combat, then still being stuck in combat. There’s no excuse for either of those things. It’s insanity.

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Clearly you aren’t putting much thought into why Blizzard can’t solve it and how it comes to be periodically because it’s the right of every customer to come up with snap judgments and then say it’s because they pay some money.

Normally I’d refer you back to bug forums to do your due dilligence and report the bug. But I neither believe that will solve it, nor that the “bug” can even be solved in all cases.

However I’m not ok with giving everyone feign death. I’d rather have this rare bug than overcompensate for a system-wide problem with bad game balance or something that can make the experience worse. At least it’s uncommon, and like many things, can get worse if you pick at the scab (cure is worse than the disease).

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I mean, when you comment publicly, you are inviting others to comment as well. It’s a two-way street.

My dude, I have spent over a year and a half of cumulative /played time in this game over nearly two decades. Not once have I ever still been in combat after logging out, and I’ve never seen anybody else complaining about it. It’s safe to say (using what’s called “critical thinking”) that this is an isolated incident that is not game-wide.

It amazes me that people still don’t have the self-awareness to realize that not only does nobody else care about whom they are placing on ignore, but that these dinguses have yet to realize that if you are filling your ignore list on every character, the problem is most likely you. You know what they say about checking your shoe when you smell dog poo everywhere you go…

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Yeah we got our first one already lmao.
My dude seems to be oblivious to the fact that this is a bug that has been going on for well over a decade that I know of and has been a complaint on this forum hundreds of times since I’ve been playing this game and somehow he aims his venom at me claiming that I must be nuts because it happens to me too while this thread was literally not created by me LOL

What “Balance” would be broken by giving everybody a 10+ second cast that interrupts upon damage being taken?

It would not work in PvP because it does not hide you or make you look dead, it would not break instances (we could always have it not work in instances). Literally the ONLY place it would work is in open world solo PvE, and even then, you can’t use it in actual combat to get out of it unless you can somehow find 10-20 seconds without taking damage.


My dude you’re not wasting my time today with your jokes. I find it amusing that you aimed your Canon directly at me when I’m not the thread Creator here son. That said you’re going to my ignore list for trolling the second I get done with this post

You’ve either not been playing this game very long and you are lying or you have been playing this game for a long time and you know factually that you’ve been stuck in combat at some point or another over the years and you’re lying about that. Either way I don’t care to talk with you about this anymore you’re not trolling me today so bye-bye

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I mean, it seems that you’ve trolled yourself. Like I said, if it smells like dog poo everywhere you go…

I don’t think they’re going to give us anything to manually break combat for probably obvious reasons I can see how that would be claimed to be able to be abused lol

But automatically removing anybody from combat that hasn’t actually been hit by enemy fire attacked or hasn’t attacked anything for say 3 minutes or so should be easy enough. And I’m not buying that it can’t be done so please no one respond with that absurdity

Or, heck, give us a command to list anything that we are in combat with, and if nothing is found, remove combat.

Make it a / command…

That way if it were a critter like that guy above kept insisting, it would list it, target it, so you could kill it. And if it were a bug, and there is nothing in combat with you, then it should immediately remove the combat status.


Most of the time it’s not so much a “bug” as it is just an annoying corner case of aggro and leash mechanics where you can be tagged by something that isn’t trying to follow/fight you.

It’s become more common over the years with all the scripted NPC activities/infighting that sometimes gives mobs a higher priority activity than chasing down PCs.

I feel like there perhaps should be a universal “will nobody fight me?” long cast ability that will drop aggro if it completes? Or maybe something to “target next combatant”?


Given the literal hundreds of comments in here that I’ve seen about this bug over the years and contrary to the sort that claim it never happens to them, I personally think that this is one of those water cooler jokes at blizzard that they have no intention of fixing and no intention I’m fixing it intentionally because they seem to get some kind of kick out of it to be honest

Someone said that there used to be a toy that you could literally like suicide with something akin to feign death. And I guess it might have been removed from the game or something at least that’s what I’ve read. They said you used to be able to get around the bug with that I guess. Again this is all hearsay because it’s what I’ve heard people say.
So if such a toy did exist and if it did get you out of combat like fain death we know factually that there is a fix to this problem they just choose not to employ it. And yes they could just make it so you couldn’t use it in battlegrounds or rated PVP or even while you are dueling

Literally the only place that it’s needed is if you are running solo out in the world or maybe farming old raids and dungeons and even in the raids and dungeons most of the time you can’t use a mount anyways so it wouldn’t really be needed. The only place that I’ve ever actually been annoyed by it has been out in the world running quests or farming world trash and then trying to get on my Mount and not being able to for 20 minutes or whatever the time frame is before it finally lets go


Target next combatant would be an awesome idea too, as that would also have actual in combat uses that would be nice. Sometimes I’m fighting multiple mobs and tab-target keeps grabbing yellow crap I’m not even fighting that’s 20 feet away from me.

Or, heck, just make an option for “smart tab targeting” that prioritizes things you’re in combat with regardless if it is in your line of sight. That way if you have nothing targeted and you hit tab, the first thing it grabs is the closest thing you’re in combat with if any.


Yeah I mean it’s not like it’s happening every time I play the game. It literally only happens a few times over a given month. But you would think that they would want to fix any obvious bug that’s getting complaints over a period of years on the forum here.

This isn’t the first thread that’s been started about this topic. Even before the forum change a while back there were threads being made. It’s been a point of contention ever since I’ve started playing this game in here. And from what I’ve read the bug has been around for at least a decade.

Seems like at a point the company would just say you know what we just need to put a toy or something back in here to remove people from combat if they’re not in pvp. Given how infrequent the bug is just given an hour cool down or a daily cool down or something and leave it at that

Since someone asked about the toy earlier, there WAS a toy, a sacrificial dagger IIRC. I forget where it was. I wanna say Tanaan Jungle?

I never heard about it being removed, but in today’s woke society I can see why they removed it, as literally offing yourself via seppuku is probably deemed “too offensive” or something.

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I’ve found it’s more often about missing something when looting than anything actually still being in combat with me.
I’ll be stuck in combat and if I find what I failed to loot it clears and I can mount.

The lootarang is a great tool because it finds what I might have missed looting