Ally have figured out how to premade again

From what i have heard from people that moved from OCE to NA abd seen in some vids PVP wise, the region in general is kinda toxic, but Arugal is a rolling death squad, they’d just as soon stab a team mate from another realm as they would the opposing faction.
Think they take the game way too seriously.

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Lmaooooo ya do you guys even care about fair play or want a challenge? Brb premading in both wsg and av.

Well it’s illegal…so…

Why do I have the feeling you’re the type of druid that only runs away?

Absolutely. It happened all the time

Apperantly they are queuing in 5s (which you can do now) and spamming discord at the start.

If the horde can’t figure how to do that then I’m sorry.


Perhaps we lived in different Mandela-Effect alternate realities because that in my version of reality no one even could fathom the idea of forming a premade group with others from different servers.

They drop group and let the pugs fill those games until they all get a q pop at the same time. This is the closest behaviour to premadeAVenabler addon used back in vanilla. Im ok with this.

Ill say it again - my issue was with premades leaving games after sending in a decoy to check if against a premade/half pugs - then forcing pugs to start matches 10v40. This behaviour has been fixed. Im not complaining about av premades - im replying to a thread they they still exist in another form.

My other issue is the strat used by these premades - they dont complete any objectives - they dont pvp - they ride past everything as quick as possible and solo pull the boss for a 7 min win. This removed the enjoyment of av - of breaking that turtle - of fighting to cap / defend a tower or graveyard.

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I have yet to see an alliance AV premade who focuses on the pvp aspect of the game.

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Can anyone corroborate this? i need to get exalted on my rogue :smiley:

Works on OCE because the OCE pool is smaller. More horde too - so alliance get near instant ques allowing the alliance pugs to fill those games they create - then the pugs get caught up in a 30+ min game allowing alliance to run 7 min wins x3-4 games. Rinse and repeat.

Btw, here’s a video for anyone wanting to see a funny 3 minute cartoon about AV. Sums up old vanilla AV vs the premading in classic.


Lol? AV queuing was used in vanilla a lot

In AV? This version of AV? On Alliance? Why would they?

Oh man, shorter queues then? I’m down.

Blizz fixed it because of the q dropping you oce dummy gtfo

i guess you were that 1 in 7 billion chance that only played vs the 7 min win premades.

what an amazing probability.

yup only Alliance do this, I didnt run into a premade the other day that was 75% horde from the same server.


LOL Horde loses a couple matches and automatically “ITS A PREMADE ZUG ZUG!”

I’mma dunna supposa win 100% zug,



I don’t think anyone here is actually complaining about the losses. I don’t care at all if i lose.
That’s not the point of the post.