I don’t know if there is already a thread I should be posting this on as I don’t use the forums a lot so if you could point me in a direction, I’ll bump whatever thread already touches on this issue.
Basically I believe all 1h weapons should be transmoggable for all rogue specs reguardless whether you use swords or daggers. There are so many mogging opportunities completely missed because of this. And so many rogues are forced to play outlaw if they want to use those new fist weapons for the void mog, and it looks absolutely ridiculous periodically shooting a handgun with fist weapons on. Come on Blizzard.
I also think it would be nice if fury warriors could mog one-handed weapons over their two-handers. Sometimes they look ridiculous with their swords that big.
Lastly, everyone who can use 1h weapons should be able to mog Warglaives. I made a warden character who is pretty much abandoned because she is stuck in outlaw spec holding heirloom 1 handers that I mogged warglaives on while on my DK and then sent them through the bank. She can never get better weapons now. She is purely used for RP currently. But if I could mog warglaives and put her in assn spec, I would be living my best life.
I really hope Blizzard wakes up and gives us some of these options eventually. Rogues have been waiting for years.