Allow Fire Elemental Totem to reset with other raid CDs

The pet thing would be great, but I’ll settle for being able to do full potential damage on every pull like every other class.

The pet thing seems like a more involved change…making the skill reset is just giving it the same treatment everyone else gets.

Its for sure annoying when it doesn’t aggro the boss, but that doesnt happen 5+ times a night like having to wait on the CD or sacrifice damage…and is avoidable with proper positioning much of the time.

Another day, another hotfix that isn’t allowing fire elemental to reset.



Let’s go bliz! You can do it! I believe in you!

Bumping every day til bliz resets all CDs or gives us a reason why not

am i missing something?
You want bliz to… idk shorten or remove the CD bc you go from boss to boss in <5m?
i don’t think “being able to do full dps on every pull” is something any class should ever expect to get. Its nice but idk why they would ever give us that. Seems like a retail QOL concept and not a wotlk era thing.

The dps cooldowns for other classes always reset after a boss dies. So for instance on my hunter I may have just used rapid fire 20 seconds before the boss died, but as soon as the boss died it reset the cooldown completely and i’m good to use it again immediately.

Fire ele does not get that same treatment and never has its cooldown reset when the boss dies.

Then they should remove it from other classes or give it to all classes. This in-between favoritism is the issue.

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It is really idiotic that Fire Elemental does not reset after boss fights/wipes. Also, fix exhaustion not resetting if you release before the fight is over.

Not shorten, just reset it after a boss encounter finishes.

For example, if a DK uses gargoyle (5 min CD) and they down the boss or wipe before that 5 mins is finished, it will automatically fresh it and you are able to use Gargoyle again.

But for fire ele, after you wipe or kill the boss, our CD is still on CD and doesn’t reset.

This is going to be a huge dps loss during Ulduar hard mode progression nights.

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This. This is what really makes the exclusion of Fire Elemental feel bad

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oh wow, i somehow didn’t notice that >.>
yikes @ that oversight

Gargoyle is a 3min CD. It doesn’t reset.

Army of the Dead also doesn’t reset (10 min CD, 6min for unholy) and doesn’t provide anywhere near as much damage output as fire elemental.

if fire ele was a 3 min cd it would be up always so no one would mind. This thread I made also applies to army of the dead and warlock infernal because people are already waiting for those CD’s for attempts on hard stuff like 10m OS3D. It feels really bad when you get battle rez, soul stone reset every attempt but a 5min cd you need to perform doesn’t. The real problem is that the cooldown is short enough to where if you want a full power attempt you’ll wait the few minutes for Fire Eles/AoTD/Infernal to be up. But why do we need to wait if blizz already allows most CD’s to reset? It encourages the same behavior blizz stated they want to eliminate with the reset change.

It is getting rather annoying to have to choose when I want to use fire elemental. Kind of crazy that I have to methodically plan what fights I want to lose 1k+ dps on due to a CD.

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My apologies. I put the wrong CD, but the concept is still correct. If you pull patchwork, wipe in 1 minute, gargoyle will reset when you release. Fire ele does not.

Yes, all 10 min CDs should reset, I’m in agreement with that.

Just do it

Are you talking about the time where the elemental is active, or the overall fight ?

Because whilst fire elemental is active, it can be way more.

This is a patchwork log from my elemental shaman twink.

Fire elemental did 175k dmg. Thats ~1460 DPS whilst it is active. Normal distribution of dmg from the elemental aswell, loads of stupid glances and low crits etc.
And if you dive into the log, you will see that i had messed up my snapshotting badly. Like no SP trinket proc active when fire elemental got dropped, which could´ve pushed the elemental >200k dmg.

Also, “way to good” - well Fire Elemental IS way to good, but that is basically the problem - because even with a “way to good” FET, you´re only able to get to be in a middle of the pack position als elemental shaman dps. And since we scale kinda… bad sadface when adding more gear, we will drop anyway. That is all the MORE reason to give us FET reset on bosskills/wipes - since we lose a lot if we cant use it.

And on top of that, the Fire Elemental oftentimes acts like a dunce. You´re not placing it reaaallly close to the boss ? It might just ignore the boss. Sometimes it just ignores the boss no matter where you place it. Basically making engineer arbitrary for elementals, to get close to bosses fast, else its another dmg loss potential.

Or the elemental decides to randomly switch targets, to engage in combat with adds.

And on top of that, if your raid does not have a demo warlock for whatever reasons (happens a lot in 10man raids), you are basically switching out Raiddps and support for selfdps, and even your own dps will be lacking somewhat due to not having the spellpower support.
So i would also really love to just bake in the spellpower buff from our elemental totem into fire totems in general - besides Fire elemental totem, other fire totems are actually quite substantial in their dmg output aswell, and are often ignored, even tho pretty much every fire damage totem might be the best dps option for a singular global cooldown.

Blizzard, give shamans some love!

I had a Shaman friend pop Fire Elemental on the boss training dummy with a snapshot of Berserker and he stopped attacking entirely. The Fire Elemental instantly did 3K DPS and it gradually climbed to 3.7K before it faded.

10/10 would smash fire ele every pull

Another update, Blizz hotfixed yet ANOTHER minor bug that benefited elemental shamans. If you specced 1/2 in elemental oath you would only grant 3 percent spell crit but this specific aura stacked with moonkin aura. This meant you would bring an extra buff to the raid which would give a small niche for elemental shamans in a raid setting. Blizz destroyed this one within a few days of it becoming known.

Yet still they won’t allow our fire elemental to reset.

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