Alliterations all around

Terrific Tuesday to try a troll tank!

Alliance’s Little Lion likes looking lazy

O my god a manager speaks

Dwarves don’t drown drinking daiquiris.

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U ur un udiot

Hazbin Hotel has hyped happy hamsters hammering ham home

I heard a ghost boast that he roasts some toast on the coast.

Make this thread great again!

Happy Sunday.

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Arthas antics are alarming and actually antagonizing Azeroth


Silithus sans summons sucks.

Collusion could cause crying casuals.


Warlocks whisper weird words with whammies :stuck_out_tongue:

My magnificent mage may make much money.

He posted his prose many months ago. Leave the lad alone. Forum followers need fun too.

He has to endure our drivel daily.

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It’s not a limited resource.

Shameful that you spent even one second in this thread and the AV thread with over a thousand replies goes untouched

He prolly isn’t the person deciding what is or is not going to happen with AV. He just passes on the information man.

Problem is the complete lack of communication when he’s clearly scanning the forums to find nonsense threads like these

Whats he supposed to do in the AV thread? Post: “Well gee boys, Im readin it but the guys making decisions for me to pass on havent said anything or do not do anything. Just letting you know I can not give information, provide a solution or offer any assistance on the matter, but that comment 4 posts above mine was funny”


Im also saying there should be more communication with us, but I really think he just passes on what he is being told to pass on.

Literally ANYTHING is better than nothing. He’s got the title of community manager doesn’t he?

Imagine the community telling you how you have to act.