Allied Races in 8.3.5

I get that. My point is that it might not bother the Faithful all that much still leaving that door open in this regard…

Again. I recognize that the Horde has a lot more pull for the Sethrak than the Alliance does. Personally I just want them playable and don’t care much which side they end up on.


Well that would be an interesting way to go about it, but i can’t imagine that being enough to make the horde be their enemies. If the faithless returned to worshipping Sethraliss and were forgiven of their crimes I can’t imagine that’s something the horde would hold a grudge over. The horde after all is the faction of second chances. If they refuse to give anyone a second chance then i’m unsure what the hell is going on with the story.


Sounds good to me as long as Nisha doesn’t pull a Tyrande and bite the head off Vorrik for crimes the Faithless did and he didn’t.

I’m looking at you Tyrande for being mean to Thalyssra.


As a horde main I will say alliance deserves some dope allied races to compensate their trash so far. Just give them whatever they want. Give them high elves and snakes or something.

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Snakes, yes. :snake:

I’ll probably start a fire with this but I could care less about High Elves being added. As far as I am aware, they’re an endangered people. And well. Void Elves and Blood Elves say hello. Or just give a blue eye’d option somewhere in up coming customization of core races.


War is over… They don’t have to be enemies. :smiley:

What Tyrande said was of valid concern. Mainly due to Elisande who was against the Legion back in the war of the ancients, but later sided with them in Legion. One of the main reasons why Thalyssra let the Nightwell die was to show that she is different from Azshara and Elisande.

Well that was until she sided with a faction that then committed near genocide on the night elves…

Tyrande could’ve phrased it a bit better, but Tyrande is always direct, stubborn and a bit head strong.

I doubt the Sethrak are naive enough to think hostilities will never rise again.

She also comes of as more than a bit bitter.

I can’t argue about Teldrassil.

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Well the nightborne kept themselves hidden in a bubble until the Legion knocked on their door.

Just think, the world outside their door had seen many world ending threats while the nightborne stayed in their safe space drinking wine. Then they cry for help when they get attacked? For someone like Tyrande that would hurt, even more so since Surumar was her place of birth. Imagine coming home in a long time and seeing it overrun by demons by the very person who originally kicked out the demons 10k years prior.

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Then what about Nisha? Since we are discussing possible new AR.

Say Vorrik reunites his people. Do you think she could have a similar response as Tyrande?


I’m really hoping for mogu.

Been hoping since Pandaria! :crossed_fingers:


I would say that Nisha isn’t important enough in the scheme of things to actually impact anything like Tyrande.


And all we got was a bunch of 40 purple-painted horde blood elves who vowed never to forget the indignities that Garithos and alliance had put them through.

In fact, we have to get a reputation with an Argus faction that they aren’t even part of.
Totally disconnected from the alliance.

I’m thinking that because Worgen do have a really tough spot to fill it’s going to be Alliance’s curveball like Vulpera were for Goblins/Horde. Though I’d prefer something awesome like Murloc or Tuskar, my guess is fish people, because we’ve worked with both Jinyu and Ankoan now.

I also think the datamined female Mogu hints at the possibility of Mogu being Pandaren’s AR. There’s a faction of free Mogu assisting us in Pandaria in 8.3.

Sethrak could easily be that curveball. They share rigging with female Worgen, like Vulpera share rigging with male Goblins.


I can’t recall if it’s been mentioned just how long the Maw has been collecting all of the souls crossing into the Shadowlands, but if it’s been happening for some egregious amount of time (i.e. perhaps beginning with the death of C’thun in Vanilla) it would be interesting to see some of these characters return as well – albeit, representing a different species than they did in life (i.e. Kael’thas being a Blood-gorged vampire/gargoyle, as an example).

They confirmed it has been since Legion. (AKA Sylvanas and Helya’s deal)

Light bound undead for the horde and Night elf worgen for the alliance. /nodnod

Their discussion about Sylvanas confirmed she’d been working towards this end since she tossed herself off of ICC, which was in WotLK – but that doesn’t mean the Maw started hoarding all the souls at that point, it very well could’ve started earlier.