Allied Races in 8.3.5

Sethrak and Mok’nathal?

Pale orcs or reborn (skinny Lordaeron humans) are good candidates for the next Alliance allied race.

The only race I really want to play at this point are Saberon. Unlikely, but a dream.

After that maybe some form of dragonkin would be cool.

I have zero interest in a lot of the more asked for races like ogres, naga and murlocs, but I would never say no to anything as I’m sure there are a handful of people that would play just about any race and they deserve love too.

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I don’t know why anyone thinks San’layn will happen. They’re totally irrelevant to the plot and have never been important. Plus they’re actively evil, and the Forsaken at least have good members. The whole race is actively sadistic.

And you’ve already been told no on the High Elves. Stop. Why does everything have to turn into High Elves?


Oh man, you’re literally dying? You should probably see a doctor, if it’s not already too late.

Anyway, I’d be surprised if they add any more allied races at all after 8.3. Im definitely not hilding my breath.

Sounds like someone’s having a positive day! /s

I beg to differ on the San’layn, and NOT because they’re my most wanted race. In WotLK, they were extremely important. They were one of the Lich King’s elite forces in the Scourge, and their influence was all over Northrend. Their influence even spread into Eastern Kingdoms as well, leading to the Worgen curse being woken up if you did any of the Grizzly Hills questline.

Have you done the Alliance war campaign for BfA? The San’layn are literally the main villain. Allied with the Horde. Attracting the wrath of Shandris Feathermoon, one of the most notorious night elf rangers in their lore. Granted, this specific coven was killed off and ended up succumbing to their ahem urges, but the seeds were at least planted. But anyways, I’m going off on a soapbox. If you want anymore evidence regarding this, I suggest you check out the San’layn megathread.

I’m not going to acknowledge your comment about the High Elves because this is NOT a high elf discussion and I never intended for it to be. I just stated that I’d like to see them alongside a couple more races for Alliance. If you want to spray people with water when the topic is brought up, then please find a more relevant discussion.


Murlocs or nothing!


Nope, not yet. Just got my Alliance druid to 114, I’ll start her when she’s 120 so I can put on my Benthic and just enjoy the story. Had to level an Alliance from level 1 to see it. I made a Nelf DH but… honestly I hate the DH playstyle, it just didn’t click for me. Looking forward to it though!


Best of luck! It really is a cool campaign. I hope you enjoy it!

I swear, there are people who just disregard all tldr message and go straight to reading High Elves like it is some PTSD to antis.

How about this, maybe if the developers actually considered high elves instead of Blueberries, this discussion would not have happened .

OP can freely say whatever they want and they werent particularly asking for high elves. They were just suggesting other allied races too.

Depends on the wait between 8.3 and 9.0. If we get Allied Races in 8.3.5, that’s a good indication they’re going to take their time with Shadowlands and make sure it comes out good.

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The actual Zandalari and Vulpera quests were very cool Horde-side.

Our war campaign was a nightmare that not a single character of mine would have participated in until you get to the rebellion.



Alliance prediction: Light Forged Undead.

Horde Prediction: Undead Nightelves.

I think with the coming Shadowlands and the Calia/Sylvannas stuff, we’ll end up with 2 undead related ARs.

Wish list:
Neutral: Tuskarr
Alliance: Sethrak, Saberon, Ankoan
Horde: San’Layn, Mok’Nathal, Ogre


Yeah. I feel you. I really don’t like the overall aggression in the Horde’s campaign because, well, most of my characters would refrain from war. That aggression is seen much more prevalently in the Alliance campaign.

Weird thing is that it’s never addressed that the Alliance basically started the war with Zandalar for no reason. (And also the war in general during Legion, but I digress.)

They just tell you that the Horde came in and broke a princess out of prison (how dare they!) and then when 8 ships pursued them, only 1 came back because the Z fleet sunk the rest, so the Alliance must go make peace with Kul Tiras to go get a fleet of their own.

What? Why was Talanji even imprisoned? The Z trolls have sailed all over the world. Talanji was seeking aid, but clearly not originally from the Horde, or she would have sailed to the whole other continent where the Horde live.

It’s so weirdly out of character for Anduin not to hear her and then help her? This is Anduin we’re talking about. Why was Talanji even locked up? And you hear she was slated for execution along with Zul… why? Sure, lop Zul’s head off, but wth. And then why does the Alliance need a fleet to go on the offensive when the Z fleet literally only fired on ships that were trying to re-kidnap their princess?

It’s weird all that is glossed over to make the Alliance the untarnished good guys. They clearly didn’t do anything as bad as the war of thorns, but the war with the Zandalari started with them, and then they invaded Zandalar and killed the king.


I think the same thing! However, I think that the undead night elves will either be customization for Lightforged Undead or for regular night elves as a “dark ranger” archetype. There were some new developments on the PTR regarding Calia and the undead night elves, so to avoid giving out any spoilers, be sure to take a look! I agree that Lightforged Undead are likely on Alliance, but I’m really not certain for Horde. If you read my previous comments, I have mega hopes for San’layn as a forsaken race to be paired with LF Undead. It’s really the only one I can think of that seems somewhat likely.

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You know what? If we do get ARs in 8.3.5, I hope they’re High Elves for the Alliance (put this thing to bed once and for all so everyone can move on, and let the Alliance finally have a, ‘win,’ in the AR category), and Mok’Nathal/Ogres for the Horde.


Why people insist Sethrak would join the Alliance? Guys you’ve done just a handful of quests with them during your war campaign, if they were meant to be a AR they’d be in the same boat as the Vulpera, they’re a race WE interact during the entire questline, both as enemies (the faithless) and as allies (the devoted) alongside the Vulpera.
You guys insisting they’d be alliance make as much sense as the others who insisted Vulpera should have been alliance even after everything you guys done to them.


Don’t forget the Horde also are responsible for bringing back their Loa.


This may have already been said but I really think that the alliance is going to get undead humans (redeemed forsaken). Callie is not going to be a horde leader, it would remove all chance of potential future conflict between the two factions. So she will lead alliance undead humans.

As for the horde I’m not sure. There are the undead night elves but I really don’t want to add them or any elf.
I still think that there are plenty of human factions out there that do not ally themselves with the alliance, who may also need protection so they choose to join the horde.