Allied races are boring and uninspired

This one gets it. Finally, an educated man. This place is exhausting.

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Still, I don’t really begrudge people saving the time I spent unlocking those damned things.

We did the before. You needed to be 88 with another class before you could get a death knight, I think it was the same with Demon Hunter but I can’t remember/didnt apply to me because I had a ton of max characters.

The entire point is this is a sort of “prestige race”. You actually have to put some extra effort to unlock them.

Imagine effort, and if I don’t feel like putting in effort I just pull out another in an infinite supply of ‘no fun’ cards.

I love Nightborne, but they have a way to go. We still need unique animations.

Debbyfrowner was right.

Another dumb post from a person who never heard of Warcraft before WoW.

Kul Tirans are OG wow, not sure how they’re boring and uninspired. So are Zandalari and Mag’har.

Yea, sure, some of the others like LF or Nightborne are meh, or Dark Iron.

no offense, but so is this thread, lol.
Zandalari are hardly uninspired, lol

In some respects, I agree.

While I wouldn’t call them boring or uninspired, a few of the races only differing with customisations is a little awkward - it’d be really nice if every “separate race” had their own unique models and animations (a few of them do).

The “reskin” complaint is my only issue with them, though.

I meant the way they were implemented in the first place should have been different. The ‘work’, as you put it, should be done by the player in character creation/training tutorial (like valley of trials/northshire). This allows the player to play the race/allied race and have all the lore needed in the experience at the beginning. It should never have been tacked onto our existing characters, except perhaps as an optional quest/story.

The fat humans are reskinned tweaked Pandas.


Alliance could use more creativity in its races, but not in the way you’ve suggested. Unique twists on “pretty” or “human variant” races is the way to go IMHO since that’s ultimately what the masses want to play.

If Alliance got space-robot-vampire-octopi or whatever weird thing GD is asking for at the moment, five people would unlock the race and it’d be over.

To be honest the playerbase been requesting “Subraces” Since WotLK.

I like the idea and cosmetics of allied races but I just wish they were implemented a little differently.

fox is just goblin recolor wdym