Alliance Warlock LF EST Raid Team!

Very strong / well geared Alliance Warlock looking for a core spot on a progressive raid team! come with a flask and full consumables every raid. If I have time (without sacrificing irl) I will attempt to get as much World Buffs as possible. For logs please look up “Harby - Netherwind” (Keep in mind I have only raided once in AQ40 and BWL during phase 5 w/ limited buffs. My pre phase rankings were very strong so please consider them) I prefer weekends but I will raid any day. I also have a level 60 Warrior alt I can consider maining. I am looking to clear ALL content efficiently (as little wipes as possible), speed is a plus but i prefer smoothness. Respond to this post or add my battle tag: ShadowStorm#1137310

If you can make 4pm-7pm raid times UNITY is the spot for you! We are low on warlocks and have a warlock tank spot open for Twin Emps if you’re interested. We’re on the fairbanks server and raid Tues/Wed.

Would be interested to chat with you as well. I sent you a battle tag request as ‘R0gue’ :slight_smile:

Hey, War Front is looking for a Warlock or two to fill out the main raiding core. We raid 7:30p to 10:30p Eastern on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

As a guild we’re fairly old at an average age of 35 and are just looking for some semi-hardcore players that mess around but bring their A-game to progression. If you feel we may be a good fit,

feel free to find Wardruid, Bopper, Diddylicious, Zandos and Cyonx if you have any questions.

I’d love to talk today <3 Check out the recruitment spam down below to make sure we fit your times and goals. We’re a mature guild that focuses on familial environments while progressing at a reasonable pace (sub 1-hour BWL clears with casual mindsets and 95+ percentile parses). Most of us are 30+ with a good chunk late 30s and older. We understand family comes first, so let’s talk.

Hardcore Casuals - Incendius - casual/semi-hardcore
C’THUN DEAD | 10/10 MC | 1/1 Onyxia | 8/8 BWL
Zero-Sum loot system
Tues/Wednes 7-11 (server time, currently all content cleared Tuesday)
Most recent logs: Can’t link our logs, but look up Ayro and click into the guild through me.

Incredibly solid, close-knit core of players looking to fill out 2 slots for long-term positions in our core raid group to finish Classic and beyond (BC).

Originally from Thalnos, and with a few server firsts under our belts such as Onyxia and Kazzak, we’re looking to expand our ranks once again. There are no raid requirements other than basic consumables, but we do emphasize world buff gathering and have a night dedicated to summoning guild members around to collect world buffs as a group effort for some drinking and conversation. It’s completely optional .

We pride ourselves in our guild and raid environments, and firmly believe in bringing “the player and not the class”. While the raid channel requires push-to-talk (no more taco crunching), everyone is free to add to the conversation, make jokes, and have a good time. We are all here to have fun, as there is no need to sweat and scream over 15+ year old content, so let’s kill dragons and enjoy ourselves. We currently need:

DPS: (1) Any exceptional player - Warlock or Hunter preferred.
Healer: (1) Any exceptional player.

There is no gear requirement. Classic is easy, and we can easily help you get geared in order to participate in our top notch raid community. If you’re willing to put in the effort, whether in-game or socially – come hang out and let’s kill bosses.

/f8K7nyB (add this to the end of a discord link to join our server)

:question: QUESTIONS :question:
Message @Aerro#3488

Server transfers are open to Pagle if you are still LFG mate

hello sir, are you looking for a fri/sat raiding guild? raids on these days and is more late night on east coast, but make up for it with a good core of raiders. if you want to talk contact me at - Hashmeer#4466 on discord