I was expecting some honor bonuses and useful pvp (and pve) consumables. NGL some people are getting trash like OP, others are getting Halaa research tokens or even Badges of Justice. It’s so crappy.
I understand the devs are mainly retail people, and that dailies give you on retail are the absolute bare minimum and/or trash…but c’mon.
Trust me it’s not and you replied to me directly so that may have been a misclick. It may be different for Alliance in other battlegroups if that’s a thing. I play on Whitemane. The BGs that I get into include the PvP servers. For that the win/lose ratio for Alliance is not good. Some days it gets closer to 50% but that’s rare. Usually late at night or on tues/thurs night when people are raiding. It was like that in retail and it’s been like that in classic WoW. So Alliance have a decade plus of being stomped in BGs for the most part. Although the win ratio in retail was closer to 40/30% which was manageable.
While I believe racials aren’t an issue and are pretty balanced for the most part, I’m okay with them being removed. Then Alliance would have even less of an excuse for taking L’s
The boxes though, you can get like 20G worth of stuff, but sure… insult.
It’s because of us being able to play is why y’all are getting them. One faction get’s to play the game in a timely manner, the other get’s bonus honor and boxes… y’all get stuff, so we can play…
Of course y’all would. We’d get a game everyone 1.5 hours and y’all feel special because of quick ques. Blizzard did the right thing, now you whiny hypocrites can say we were babyraging. Whatever, we won, y’all don’t deserve anything more than you are getting… it’s insane that people get stuff, so others can play… just to try and sate the crying from Alliance.
We’re not getting a bonus though, we’re getting the illusion of a bonus. We would get more from killing two level 70 mobs on average in under a minute compared to the 15ish minutes a bg takes.
They’ve said BGs are close to 50/50. How do they define close? What was the actual impact of the FvF test - who benefited? How does this break down between BGs with non-symmetrical maps?
They’ve said ganking is close to 50/50. That itself doesn’t mean what people take it as. If it’s truly an number of overall kills, on my server that means Alliance have to be ganked at twice the rate to achieve this. To kill every horde once means Alliance die twice to make deaths equal. This concept carries over when you average all PvP together. Alliance have to be killed at 1.5 times the rate of horde to create a 50/50 balance. And again this isn’t precise data. What was it exactly before and during? What was the effect of the test?