Alliance should've gotten pirate vulpera

No we shouldn’t. But we should’ve gotten an actual race instead of a customization option for gnomes.

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You weren’t getting sethrak, honey.

Who said anything about sethrak?

I was using them as an example of one of the races that Alliance posters gravitate toward when they say that we should’ve gotten a “new” race, given the massive support for them.

I like my racials, so I’m going to have to say no, this should not have been a customization option. We are worthy of being our own race. The race-fantasy wouldn’t stick as well without unique racials. If you actually like the race that might be easier to understand instead of just looking for another reason to crap on it.

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Yiff Yiff uWu why tho daddy voidcaller we wuv you

I wish they would take you furry little goblins and the dumb blood elf’s so I could spend more time murdering you nerds.

Won’t be killing any Goblins or Vulpera on Classic

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no, thank you.

This I can easily agree on. I just want some of the Mechagnome hairs for my regular gnomes… Eff the mecha.
As for the Vulpera, I love them and would totally roll an Alliance one if I could - screw story.

“You should join us! I mean, we’re not the only faction that’s been killing you!”

I don’t even see them. That’s really the beauty of classic.

Calls other people nerds

Subscribes to a video game

I’m pretty much a nerd. I just got lucky that I’m attractive.

I don’t think being “unattractive” deems someone as a “nerd”.

Even then, attractive to one person might be unattractive to another person, and so on.

Agreed, I was forced to make my Vulpera Horde and it sucks

Lol you again? You are STILL level 47, not murdering anyone

The Alliance getting Vulpera makes no sense
To get them would mean adding new lore to make it happen

This doesn’t sound like a “they should” case
Just an Alliance player wanting what the Horde has

Do you know what I do when the Alliance has something I like? I play it on Alliance


Why do the WoW forums think this is just impossible? New lore is literally added all the time.

I dont think its impossible
Im saying it would make the addition twisting the game around to suit the wants of a player, story be damned.

“I have decided I want this race that currently makes no sense on my faction so I want blizzard to change the story they are telling in order to make it happen”