Alliance RP - Thoughts and Discussion

Kaldorei are the jocks. Sin’dorei are the nerds.

If we mingle, we come to your table.


Guess that makes ren’dorei the Goths of the elves.

You can come to our night clubs if you like our music. Diss our music and we go from friendly to unfriendly really quick.


Kaldorei are jocks. Sin’dorei are nerds. Shal’dorei are theater kids. Ren’dorei are stoners. Quel’dorei are the rich jerks.

I think that’s all the dorei.


Holy crap.

It just hit me. The new Arathi Empire has High Elves.

Blizzard just brought in a way of bringing in High Elves as a legit race after having finally given us High Elf customization for Sin and Ren.



Heck you, I’ll go roll another one just out of spite.


Moar elves!


Did somebody say more elves? I was just following the colors of the sounds I hear and they led me here. I swear I heard, well, saw something in my mind about elves.


Let me ask you this.

Why do we have non-elves?

Wyrmrest Community Project and others already exist, and are active.

Stormwind became the default because of all the phasing everywhere else, its the only place besides Org that doesnt suffer from it.

So if you want to have a location where you can be 100% certain you are going to see other server members when you just go there, thats your only option. We can all say were going to start hanging out at another locale, but if were not in a group, we could both be there and not even see each other because dumb phasing…

Would be nice to get some good RP going around Dornogal tho I think. Even the Horde could join in. The more public and in the open, the better chance of others seeing and wanting to join in/participate too.

I would create or use a character that would suit that sort of need tho, the dark and broody longing for a more meaningful RP probably wont fit that…

Also, just turn out for others. Even if they host events that arent something you would normally go to. We just need more participation across the board, just being there helps morale and encourages others to participate or inspires them to do things of their own.

That was a big thing from the server I was on before, there was little to no support when people put forth effort to do things, and then they would wonder why nobody was doing anything anymore…


Elves for the Elf-Throne

Orc tears for the Sunwell!

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I hate to say it, but most events are really dull and people have limited play time. I know personally, I won’t turn out for an event I’m going to find dull as I stand around on the fringes while the inner clique that hosts the event gets to do their thing. I have like 1-2 hours to play a day after work and I highly doubt I’m alone in that.

I play on both MG and WRA, and I am not sure you can reverse the tide on Alliance side drying up, just like MG Horde is never going to see a revival. It’s sad the communities got split like this.

My personal suggestion for anyone wanting to find RP ally-side here is just find a guild, because otherwise it’s going to be an uphill climb. I tell MG Horde players the same thing.

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Because the Titans knew better than to leave Azeroth alone in the hands of elves. Obviously, leaving elves alone is like parents handing over the house keys to their children then leaving for a 2-week vacation. The parents come home to a Great Sundering. Who knew.


Joke’s on you. We’re not a Titan race. We’re technically an arcane mutation from the Troll species.

Which, with the lore being that the Old Gods created the Insectoid races, begs the question where Trolls, Tauren, Gnolls, Kobolds, Centaurs, and Pandaren actually came from. Are they Azeroth’s children? The “natural” races that just emerged organically?


Because we suffer them to live for our amusement.

Muahahaha! (In the style of:

Its my own opinion but I HATE cross Realms!
I think they ruined RP.

WRA used to have such a great community and RP History between it’s various characters and groups. Forcefully dumping Moonguard and other servers on us was a horrible choice and tosses all that unique story into the trash can.


It might be wise if we, as Kaldorei, walk reverently amongst the other races of Azeroth. They have reached out their helping hands to us more times than we probably deserved.

Or you could just end 90% of the whole Alliance vs Horde issue and share some wood with us…

What do you expect us to make spikes out of? Rocks?

I walk reverently everywhere I go. I’m an elf. Not some trundling goblin or plodding orc or fumbling human.