[Alliance RP Event] The Banshee Cough

The Grey Templars are beginning a new, major guild story line which will be open to the greater community for anyone who would like to participate. Our current work involves close support and care for the displaced Gilnean and Kaldorei refugees in and around Stormwind. This story involves a significant and dangerous disease ourbreak which is believed to have originated in the refugee camps.

We are planning on running the story for about 4 weeks, with weekly updates posted to our web site and announced to the community. Members of the community are welcome to become victims of the disease outbreak and help treat the sick while having a chance to uncover significant breakthroughs to help bring an end to the crisis.

Our goal is to stir up some fun RP for our guild and for our community and to give everyone some engaging story to participate in! If you would like to participate, all the information you need can be found on our web site (see below). If you would like to be more deeply involved, we welcome you to join our guild discord as a guest so you can coordinate more directly with us.

Story info and Discord link can be found at our web site:
greytemplars (dot) enjin (dot) com


Us Templars are hoping a lot of people join us during all the fun times!

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Word is getting around. The Banshee Cough has claimed its first life in the Gilnean refugee camp located at Raven Hill and rumors are spreading even faster than the disease itself. This is no seasonal headcold. It has the potential to be lethal. Gilnean military authorities have ordered quarantines at the affected refugee camps under their care. The disease has also struck at Westbrook Garrison, where Gilnean and Stormwind soldiers have also been hit by the outbreak and are now being quarantined in one of the wings of the barracks.

Despite the best efforts of Alliance authorities to contain the outbreak, reports of citizens in Stormwind starting to show symptoms are flooding in. “It’s highly contagious. It’s potentially deadly. No one knows how to cure it.” is the word on the street. While The Grey Templars attempt to keep order among the terrified Gilnean and Kaldorei refugees, Libertas Medica Azeroth are providing treatment to refugees and citizens alike who come down with symptoms out of their clinic just northeast of the Stormwind Embassy.

With only a single regiment of Gilnean soldiers in Stormwind, Lord Commander Zydrik Anteran of The Grey Templars has reached out through official channels and Alliance High Command seeking aid in managing the outbreak, as the scope of the problem has exceeded their available resources.

(We invite everyone to participate in this community event! We are currently in Stage One of the outbreak. We would like to invite people to get sick, to help provide treatment, to be concerned citizens, to be criminals taking advantage of the outbreak, any everything else. Details are available at greytemplars (dot) enjin (dot) com


Wholesome boyos attempt to cure flu.

Blood Flows (Tuesday, June 18) [Stage Two]:
The Banshee Cough symptoms are getting worse. 5-7 days from the first sign of symptoms, those infected by it are beginning to get even sicker. Some have even started to develop bloody coughs and severe muscle aches. The disease seems to be hitting a portion of the population harder than others, while it leaves some completely unaffected.

Quarantine zones and emergency treatment centers have been set up at the Westbrook Garrison military base and Raven Hill refugee camp operated by <The Grey Templars>. A medical clinic operated by <Libertas Medica Azeroth> is taking in patients just northeast of the Stormwind Embassy. A better medicine has been created that helps control symptoms somewhat more effectively, but it is still not a cure, and supplies are very limited. Researchers from <Stormwind City Patrollers> have also started examining the disease in hopes of finding treatments.

Disease Stage Two:
5-7 days after initial infection, the sick will progress to the second stage of the disease, showing more severe symptoms. These symptoms vary based on whether you are vulnerable or susceptible and whether you are living or undead. Once at Stage Two, all medicines and treatments only reduce your symptoms to Stage One symptoms for the duration of the treatment.

Full list of symptoms:
greytemplars (dot) enjin (dot) com