Alliance Player on Whitemane Looking for Chill PvE/PvP Guild

Hi! I plan on trying to play Druid, (hopefully balance if I manage to get properly set), on Whitemane. I currently am a GM for a guild on retail so others will likely join with me. My main focus is playing with people I consider my friends, since for me that’s what classic is all about. Also, I do understand that running oomkin is mostly a meme on classic, but I believe I’m a decent player so I think I can make it work.
If you’d like to talk to me more if you feel I could be a good fit, check below!
Discord @Noobhouse#0887
Blizzard App @Noobhouse#1333

I think we’re right up your alley! <STING> [PVP] [Alliance] [NA] [Casual to Semi-HardCore] Strong Friendly Community Looking for Vets and 1st Timers

Check us out.

oh and we’re on whitemane

We accept all classes and specs in our guild.

< Chill Casual > Whitemane - Raids Saturday/Sunday [8-11PM Eastern - 7-10PM Central - 5-8PM Pacific]

For more info

I sent a request on discord