Alliance or Horde?

I play majority alliance but the race choices on horde side for warlock are S tier compared to alliance

RPG Independent.

Better red, then dead.

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I don’t know, got an SSS tier option on Alliance right here.

I pay for both, so I play both.

Alliance of course.
The Horde has many ugly and evil creatures, Orgrimmar is also ugly and sad.

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Horde is a miserable experience. Was horde for 20 years…made this toon and all the sudden the game got really fun again. Alliance is easy mode for sure. The people are light-years nicer. Everyone seems to work together. People talk to each other. Content is being done. Guilds are active. Warcrates are free and the racials are better. Plus everything is prettier and the graphics are even better for the alliance stuff. Alliance is the way to go for sure. Lol. Sorry horde…I’m a trader.

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Fur the horse!

Alliance cities horde races.

Specifically the Blood elves I imagine.

Sooner or later, race in this game will not matter and players will have the ability to choose or maybe even swap their faction. Honestly not too sure why we haven’t gotten to that point yet.

No, we’re taking the Tauren, specifically the ladies.


Better Races. Better Mounts. Better Story. More diversity.

No Need to say anymore

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both have elves. so both are good.

If it’s red, it’s dead.

The horde is smelly

Both? Both is good.gif

Both. Why only one flavor when you can have 2?