Alliance occupation of Durotar

Someone said that maybe the Alliance will have better luck in S2, but I sincerely doubt it. Horde WPVP is poppin’ off right now, and I really don’t see that changing; infact, I’m seeing more Horde getting amped up for a fight. WPVP guilds are on the rise, too. S2 is shapin’ up to be a blood bath - and I’m all for it.

The free ride is over, blue boys - you poked the sleeping bear, and it woke up.

Why? That defeats the whole purpose of setting a time. How can you “Catch people off guard” when they’re not even present?

Why don’t you just tell the truth? We all know what it is: you lied about the time to avoid a fight you knew you were going to lose.

I don’t think you quite get it: Horde are back. Tides are turning. Red faction’s winning. Prepare to lose.

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But… but… you’re drinking away in the Lion’s Pride Inn!

Sorry guys, Durotar is shiny and we like it.

I’m very grateful there are horde like you who are rising up. The question will be how long you guys can sustain the fight for. If I wanted to I could bring over 200 alliance to org. Not my style, all I need is my crew and we can take on your entire faction. Thanks for the fights see you again tonight.

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Good morning to alliance only! Today is a great day to make Durotar great, let’s see how long they can defend until inevitable collapse.

For the Alliance! (Sorry horde but building up your energy isn’t working so hot)

When does rated content have anything to do with wpvp…

Oh it doesnt. Rating means nothing when in the open world. Stop trying to justify it or belittle other players. We all have what we like to do and where we spend our time regardless of which side. Ive seen countless gladiators get their rated butts handed to them like a complete noob in the open world.

No matter who showed up, it was fun. Glad to see people getting out!

Also those poor server hamsters… light speed last night wasnt enough.


No I was definitely there at durotar. Got screen shots and everything. I saw you running from the fight though. maybe your pally bubble was on cd or something.

Sounds like another lie to me.


That’s probably because they’re used to “Canned PVP,” with all sorts of rules and restrictions - and handicaps. WPVP is the Wild West of PVP. Anything goes.

That’s for true. See what happened last night. Clearly, we don’t need any more energy.

Guys calm down, it aint that serious :wave: :skull:

Its amazing how few players understand this. They think they are great due to high rating or being a gladiator. They step out into pure chaos and get stomped. Adapt… or die.

Too much zug?

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Well… I mean, they are good players, technically speaking. The rating proves that - in most cases.

The thing is WPVP doesn’t have all the rules, restrictions, and handicaps that they’re used to in instanced, or “Canned,” PVP.

For example: there’s no Dampening in WPVP, buffs are huge, equipment is a thing, toys exist, the battlefield is almost always different, battles are typically lop-sided and unfair, etc. There’s a lot of wackiness involved in WPVP. There’s only so much a Gladiator can do. They have the skill, but the real question is… are they prepared?

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Most are not prepared. They like their structured fights with dampening and cc chains. Always about control.

You cannot control in wpvp. You fight.

We have now seen the horde side POV and I couldn’t be more proud of the stand RR made lol!!! 48 minutes vs 100+ horde with a force of about 55ish I don’t know our full numbers. Not only am I thankful for last night, it makes me want even more to bring the fight to the horde. Rest assured, it’s coming.

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Truly a shame the servers are so weak. It would GLORIOUS if we could have 100v100 fights with no lag.

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Likely not.

They certainly do.

Well… you can, and you must to win - especially with Healers around, but it’s a heck of a lot trickier to pull off in the chaos of WPVP.

I mean, you’re basically attacking Org when you’re fighting just outside the gates. What did you expect?

It’s really no different when Horde attack the people duelling just outside of SW. Every man and his dog comes out to play.

Of course not.

You know ours, apparently… but not yours. Sounds legit.


They need to upgrade their servers to russets.

You took an awful lot of dirt naps yesterday. :wink:

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I will proudly fall with my fellow elites in honorable combat. The Horde knows nothing of such :relieved:

I’ve just had a fun idea. How about I organize a 40v40 death match for each and every one of your communities. You guys can all show up together in your 3 seperate raids and we will take you all on 1 40man horde raid at a time vs 1 strong alliance unit. You guys can even make a line around the block taking turns. Have I been planning this all along? Maybe. Now let’s see how many horde guilds and communities are willing to step up 40v40 even numbers vs RR. Use this thread as a sign up sheet.

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Honourable? Is taking a follower queue honourable?

You might be honourable, but your blue comrades certainly aren’t.

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Typical of your band of primal beasts, seeing everything black and white. I am amazed that the occupation is going so well, the downfall of the horde is inevitable. Perhaps we will take alterac valley next! I am on board with Deacon’s idea