Alliance Mistweaver or Windwalker looking for guild

Hi guys,

Looking for a guild to regularly raid with since switching factions.

400 in MW or 395 in WW.

Will be dedicated to proper preparations for 8.2 and have a desire to progress through the tier and improve. Can promise perfect attendance

Hey Anybamboo,

You would certainly have a place in our guild if you are interested.

[A - Saurfang] Cryptic: Active Raiding & PvP guild recruiting more members who are interested in Raiding, FUNgeons (Fun Dungeons for those that dont know), PvP etc.

Socials, casuals and levelers always welcome.

Raid nights are Mon & Wed. 7:30 - 10:30 PM ST.
Current Prog as of 23/6/19: 9/9H BoD, 2/2N 1/2H CoS
Recruiting specifically DPS and Tanks.

PvP Madness Saturday nights 8PM ST onwards.
- Includes: warmode adventures, premade random BGs, Rated BGs, and a lot of drinking

Mythic+'s and Arenas are run throughout the week.

Find us ingame via /who cryptic or msg me directly on Kaleiya.

Hope you have an awesome day!

Hi Anybamboo,

Here is our recruitment post. We might be what you are looking for going into 8.2.

Just add us on bnet if you would like to chat. If not, happy hunting :slight_smile:

Hey there Anybamboo, glad to hear you swapped to the correct faction! ‘Blood and Tears’ is a raiding guild reforming in 8.2 with the mindset of clearing normal and heroic as well as keys. We raid wed/friday 8-11pm (AEST) and are located on Frostmourne. If you’re interested add me on bnet for a chat :slight_smile: Rakruar#1507