Alliance lock

Hi there! My names Nikki and I am a 7/10M raider this tier on my mage I am currently looking for a raiding guild for next tier. I quit raiding this tier due to the fact that I was not enjoying the game anymore I mained a mage this tier and prior to that I mained a Boomkin so I am somewhat versatile in my gameplay but besides that I am hoping to find an alliance guild to raid with next tier as a Lock if you want to contact me you can reach me @beautyinwar1784 on bnet or my discord is deffmetals#1002 thanks guys and look forward to hearing from you

Hi there, I sent you a friend request on discord look forward to talking to you!

Hello we are a Alliance guild Fearfulways currently 9/10M working on Denathrius on phase 2, was wondering if you’d be interested in joining us to finish this tier and continue on to tier 2,.

We raid Tue,Wed and Thursday 7-11pm est.

Add me on discord to chat: Fearmaky#9857

Let me know please

Hey Nikki,

I’m not sure how open you are to server swaps but if you are, we can chat about it. I did NOT send a Bnet because of this, but if you do decide you’re interested in transferring too…

No Pressure Recruitment Post is listed here, and
No Pressure Warcraft logs are listed here.

Happy Hunting!
-Kassle [Stormrage]
Bnet: KassiG#1130

Sounds like you may be looking for mythic raiding, but if you’re looking for a smaller 10man environment, we are looking for a lock:

We are a small group (10-12) raiding team, and we do normal and heroic raiding. Our raid time is Tuesdays from 9pm est to midnight. We are looking for players who know their class well and can perform at the highest levels, but who may be looking to scale down their weekly time commitment to WoW.

Battleground: Magtheridon, Anetheron, AlterofStorms, Ysondre

I’m not sure if you’re wanting to stay at the Mythic raiding level, but if you have any interest in AOTC, I’ll leave my details below!

Good luck in the search!

-Respec- is an AOTC-focused Raiding guild based out of Blade’s Edge - currently 10/10 N and 10/10 H. Our members are all veteran raiders with a focus on completing each raid tier on Normal and Heroic while the content is relevant. We believe in good class play and teamwork to overcome all raid challenges. We’re also a group of laid-back nerdy types that believe in having fun over toxic/elitist personalities - while getting the job done. In addition to raiding, we like to run high M+ keys with our interested raiders throughout the week!

  • Current Progression: 10/10 N – 10/10 H Castle Nathria
  • We raid on Friday and Sunday Evenings!
  • Raid Times: Fridays @ 9-12 PM EST / 8-11 PM CST / 7-10 PM MST / 6-9 PM PST -AND- Sundays @ 8-11 EST / 7-10 CST / 6-9 MST / 5-8 PST (an hour earlier than Friday)
  • Mythic+ Keys throughout the week (runs organized via Discord)

NOTE: We DO NOT expect a server transfer or joining our guild if you are happy where you are! Since we only raid up to Heroic content, we actively use a cross-realm community to keep our players together!

The kind of people that would enjoy and excel in our group are players who prefer smaller raid sizes with a chill atmosphere, but enjoy good play and working towards that next kill for AOTC. Our current raiders are all veterans across multiple expansions, but big on being Nerdy, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Couple Friendly, and overall just having fun. And for those that like to jump into a bit of M+ action, we try to organize high key runs for as many raiders as interested per week.

Ultimately, while we believe we’re a good fit for anybody who enjoys playing the game well in a challenging raid environment, we believe that pugging in and raiding with us for yourself is the best way to see what we’re all about. I welcome anybody interested to hit me up on Discord or Battlenet and let’s talk. As long as you can play your class, we can explain the fights and make it work!

Battlenet: Chaoswhite#1873
Discord: Sin#9334

Hey Nikkicorpse!
We desperately need more dps and could really use your help!
We raid Fri/Sat 8.30-11.30pm server which is mountain time
We’re currently progressing on Sludgefist, best pull 10%.
We’re pretty open to people playing what they like as they seem to be best at it!

For any inquiries, bnet add: Wolfiee#11929, Connor93#1805, or Darvos#1994 if not, I hope you find what you’re looking for!