Alliance is better than Horde if you don't Mythic Raid

He’s right about gameplay outside of mythic raid. Cosmetics/mogs are purely up to personal preference and a weak/nonexistent point to argue over.

Alliance racials are way better for M+ by an absolute mile. Nothing Horde has comes close to Shadowmeld or the purges both dwarf variations have.

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I would actually like the Horde more if it weren’t for the obnoxious loudmouths who are like “ZOMG FOR THE HORDE!!”.

Imagine being so mediocre that you need virtual tribalism to feel superior to others.


Faction pride has always been cringe.


That’s great and all until we sit here with no content for a year+

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That’s not how that works lmao.

You can queue as Alliance even if you’re Horde, so it’s not a perk

Playing with Warmode is already a mistake.

The Alliance player base has 5 categories of people.
High Elf demanders.
Night Elf white-knights.
We’re dying out doomsayers.
“lmao Horde suck” hide the pain Harold’s

Neither is chill or cool

Only Human. The rest are hideous.

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Talking to you is content too.

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Essentially Alliance is better if you don’t raid, don’t pug, don’t PvP or play the game. I know this is a troll thread but come on this wasn’t even trying lol

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Y’know, being Alliance has always been cool. I’ve bounced between the two factions depending on the expansion. I started as Horde but overtime I transitioned into Alliance mainly because how chill and appealing the faction is.

I can definitely say that Alliance is overall more casual and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Even though I think Mechagnome Racials are bonkers in Co-op content.

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You underestimate the willpower stubborn group leaders have to force everyone to wait the hour+ just to avoid having to take the feral druid in the queue.

I prefer Alliance myself (although I do play both). However, I do have to say that you should think about sharing some of that Copium that you’re guzzling. It seems to be the really good stuff!

  • Race preference is subjective.
  • Many don’t touch PvP and Horde can easily get around this with merc mode.
  • M+ groups can be few and far between, especially compared to Horde queues.
  • Again, many don’t PvP, and unless you’re on a role playing or oceanic realm you’re outnumbered severely.
  • Playerbase perception is again subjective.
  • Transmogs are also subjective.

For the love of all that’s holy though, please Blizzard, enable cross-faction grouping!

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Belf is subpar for majority of classes. Tauren/Orc BiS.

Alliance is fun, if you like to play alone

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Honestly that is just stupidity at work there. My experience with that is people just leave if a group isn’t formed in 15 minutes.

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lol so you pay 15$ a month to talk?

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Actually most Horde have warmode off.

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Listen. I just wanna be hot and evil. I might’ve rolled a velf instead if I didn’t have to unlock them, but here we are. And now I’m too attached to the sunwell eyes anyway lol.

Alliance is better than Horde if you’re a drooling, brain damaged stalk of broccoli.

Semper Fi! :us:

What do you pay for?

Anything to show for your time when you unsub? No. You will have nothing to take with you.

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Alliance have better looking mailboxes for Night Elves to live in :wink: :mailbox:

Horde mailboxes are full of too much junk :frowning:

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