Alliance Internal Conflict

Nothing made me feel more like a Champeon than in the freakin’ Alliance intro quests to 8.3, where Magni legit has you grab a hammer off the wall 3’ in front of him for him. Perhaps it was too high up for him to reach? But his oversized model really doesn’t do him any favors.

Seriously, like “get it your god damn self, dwarf”.

Honestly, who wrote that quest?

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It was particularly odd as you’re not bossing around nobodies. You sort of are, if the Shadowhunter, Saboteur and Arcanist are big elsewhere I never noticed them.

But then you get Rexxar, Voss and Admiral Tattersail. If I’m bossing around some guys I’d assume to have a power level around my own that’s one thing. But Voss? Rexxar? And I outrank a duck mothering Admiral now too?!

This was especially bewildering if you played the rebel side storyline as a Forsaken. Because okay I’m allowed to command the Forsaken’s fleet but Deathguards will attack me on sight for poking around Forsaken stuff? By all rights I should’ve been able to tell them to stand down.