Alliance "Holding" Druids in AV

This is more of just a curiosity question, and to bring it to light to everyone. Recently, I don’t know for how long, Alliance have just been playing AV to farm rep. I get it, we all want Don Julio’s for dps and Lei for healing. They are good items.

There has been a strategy of farming rep by “Holding druids”. This allows players to turn in more Storm Crystals than you are usually allowed to, all by simply clicking on at least two Druids of the Grove with 5 second intervals. This doesn’t allow the Arch druid to complete and leave the base, allowing players to turn in crystals. Considering the crystals give you more rep per turn in, this is what the majority of Alliance AV players are after. As soon as the druids are either released or killed, they call the game quits and either hearth out or wait in the cave for the Horde to finish the job.

So two things, one, is this a bannable offence because how I see it is abusing a bug to get rep. I’m new to classic, so don’t flame me. I just don’t want to see a wave of bans go out to Alliance players because they reaped the benefits of these players clicking on the druids. Secondly, if the horde really wants to win, I can almost guarantee that if they zug zug their way all the way to DB, backdoor, and go straight for druids and nothing else, kill the druids (or at least the Archdruid), the Alliance will give up the fight and wait out for the horde to take Aid station, DBN/S, etc.


Yes alliance should have 0 reason to want to queue for AV. Please fix this blizzard… maybe you should put the druids at IBGY?


Don’t lie.


I’m sitting at 0-45 in AV. It’s broken. Blizzard has been ignoring it for months, and they must know it’s broken. In the rare, very rare game where it’s even almost close, we still lose and we get no rep and it’s a massive frustrating waste of time. The BG is completely broken and we have heard nothing about any fixes coming. I used to wonder about druids and the rep thing, but I’ve lost so many times since then.


Lol, nerf it. So Horde queues explode that much further, Id laugh.


Cry more.

Go on, get it nerfed and watch nobody que up for it, ever. Please, cry about it like you guys did premades because they worked out so well. The longer ques would be entertaining but also show Blizzard caters to Horde crybabies.

Then you guys can cry about losing in WSG/AB because now it’s not a 99% win rate, oh Horde already does cry about that!


and then there were queues.


Wow I bet the responses would be different if my profile showed my Alliance classic character instead of my retail horde. I main Alliance on classic, haven’t touched retail since BFA. This isn’t a post about crying about it, its mainly wanting a GM to confirm if holding druids and exploiting that specific rep grind is bannable.

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Are you mad that most Alliance players no longer care about AV and are waiting to turn you into paste in AB and WSG?

Seems as such…


Getting mad at a video game and about things I have no control over is a waste of energy. I am just expressing my concern to players who are potentially doing something that they can be punished for,

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We got us one of those “concerned” types. It’s been talked about before so pretty sure we know Blizzards thoughts on it.

Next you’ll be asking if multi-boxing is “bannable” because you’re concerned about people with multiple accounts losing them. Bless your heart looking out for people, you’re such a great person!


Well, I am mad too!

Never seen so many terrain exploits done by the Horde just to get into the base.

Ways that should have been fixed long ago!

Just a concerned Alliance citizen is all.


The only crying going appears to be you Wunderland. Go put on your big girl panties if you want to engage in a meaningful conversation. The “cry more” went out in the early 2000’s.


Didn’t know that it was talked about before. Mind linking that forum post so I can see if a GM posted thoughts on it?

I know multi–boxing isn’t bannable. Tbh, I wish I could afford $75/mo to make gold, but I have other priorities.

And ya, I guess I am a great person. Thank you for saying so :slight_smile:

Multiboxing isn’t even remotely close to necessary to make gold.


Yeah I’m amazed they haven’t fixed this. They usually don’t allow terrain exploits in PvP, and this is happening every single game, all game long.

I know, there are a lot of better ways of doing it, I was just using it as an example.

Even if you make AV a mirror map, as long as Alliance can’t cheese the battle for a 7min win its in their interests to lose quickly as that provides more honor per hour than an hour-long back and forth battle of AV. Alliance try hard to lose (as in this instance) or just don’t participate (soaking kills, thereby demoralising the defenders), fish or just AFK.

WSG is considered tough if you are 8v10 – and in any AV the number of fighters and defenders is stacked hard in the Horde’s favour.

Wanna know the fix? Calculate the amount of honor per hour the sweatiest of Alliance premades make. Give Alliance 25% more honor for winning AV than that.

The most broken part of AV is that skilled Alliance are incentivised to lose quickly or not queue AV because of how tough and unforgiving ranking is and how much hph matters. It’s madness to queue AV, even with instant queues when you have to rely on puggers and afkers and rep farmers and lowbies and when … even if you win, despite those odds the honor per hour is lesser than doing WSG or AB.


I wasn’t the one making a thread about a topic that’s been discussed before. It’s a concern troll, that’s all so there’s no meaningful convo to have.

Cry more Cry-o-demon.

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i am begging you, please link the topic of where holding druids have been discussed before, all I want is a clear answer of if holding druids can get you banned.