Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

not free…still gotta track the horde down and kill 25 of em to get it

It’s funny that, how people act. It’s like people forget that in order to get rewards, they have to play, and not be bad. It’s been like that on every single game genre, it makes me sad that people are demanding that they get handouts under the guise of equal access. I want to flail my arms and tell these people that games are not the same as movies or books, and that they need to play to get rewards, and if those rewards get taken out? That’s too bad!

I wasn’t able to get the original ZG bear, but I acknowledge that I missed out and it’s no skin off my back.

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They would be PvP rewards, just like all the current ones. There would just be more of them to allow for a bigger system. It should’ve never been something that was incentivized by PVE rewards.

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As bad as it is for horde player, if blizzard goal is to have raid groups and pvper’s go back to the alliance they need drastic changes like this one.

If they keep giving them stuff like that, sooner or later top guilds will move back to alliance so they have an advantage and other guilds will follow.


Amen to that brother! Stuff used to feel meaningful, now it’s just a treadmill where you can get the same gear from doing the second highest content as you can from afking in a warfront, only the easier of the two has the reward actually guaranteed!

I honestly don’t like how the game is going. I’m not an elitist, I’m casual as hell, I log on twice a week on the best of weeks (except for recently when I just can’t be motivated to log on).
But I want to feel like there is something worth working towards, I don’t want to get free gear from easy content that stops me from getting upgrades for months because the content I’m doing doesn’t rewards that level gear.

Experience from the first months of the expansion. Got my 2nd character (Balance Druid) to 120 a little after my Mage, just in time for Uldir release. I do a mythic +2 and got a 25 ilvl titanforge. Most people would be stoked, but for me? All it meant that as I was working my M+ higher, doing normal Uldir, and moving into Heroic Uldir I was getting cloaks that I couldn’t use, I just threw away 7+ cloaks over ~2 months until I eventually replaced it…with the same ilvl cloak that had haste/crit instead of crit/haste.
Tell me how that is rewarding? Who really wants this system?

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if the WM buff was the only thing that Alliance got, nobody would give a toss. it’s the fact that they can abuse it to get free gear that is pissing everyone on the Horde side off. if Blizzard really wanted to stir up WM they would offer the quest to both sides; let them really have at it. but they only offer the gear reward to one side, which is bollocks


I mean, it is pretty significant.
Remember Uldir when people were complaining there were 3 Alliance in the top 20 during progression?
Well Heroic progression so far is split 50/50 for the top 10 spots. Coincidence?

Free loot is free loot. When you are guaranteed 3 pieces equal to Heroic content gear, plus the chance of 2 additional pieces from the world boss before even stepping into the raid you are at a significant advantage to anyone else.

And heres the result. And you say its not a big deal? Clearly they say 9 grand disagrees.

I’m dyin laughin. The 340 thing has NOTHING on this.

Alliance: “its fair and balanced” nods

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Looks like a guild already has

That seems fair to me. No I am not being sarcastic, it’s a good idea.

It is pretty clear for anyone that was Blizzard goal, while people might not like how they are doing it you cant argue with the results. If you want people to faction change, give the desire faction a competitive advantage.

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More guilds will probably follow even if they aren’t top contenders in the world first race. It’s just how people are, when they see a top guild do something, they will copy just to get that small advantage. Can’t tell if these upcoming faction changes are a happy accident for Blizzards profits or if that was the intent the whole time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh and, if enough guilds actually do faction change, that just means Horde will never see that 30% bonus and 400 ilvl gear. That would defeat the whole purpose of the change and piss people off even more!

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mmhmm that sweet pay to win. Heroic loot for only 25$


Probably not gonna do it anyway, unless it’s some special transmogs.
It’ll be outdated in a month anyway.

What’s never outdated is fashion.
Except when it’s out of style.
But then it comes back! Just like bellbottom jeans.

Fashion is for the vain. Soak in enough enemy blood and you’ll look great.

It doesn’t take much.
I stab one orc in the neck and I end up looking like a gnomish Frank Castle.


This demonstrates a marked lack of understanding of the concept of cause and effect. Blizzard has a series of levers that they can pull to influence the game. Traditionally the level that influenced high progression guild transfer was racial abilities. These funneled the high progression players into one faction.

Once those players found homes in a single faction, the lower tiers of the raiding community began to follow suit in a cascading fashion, some as whole guilds and others as single players option for transfer or re-roll. Over time, this cascaded further as the ease of recruiting became glaringly easier in a single faction and we arrive at where we are today.

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Free heroic raid gear every week does seem a tad excessive. Kinda hard to justify that if you ask me.

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It’s not free. We are still required to end 25 hordies at 120 or better.

Last time I checked it can be done in a raid group.