Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

If this quest were a month or two after a raid/season release maybe you’d have a point.

Not necessarily, good luck happens and bad luck happens.
It’s just as possible for someone to do the WM quest and get a 400 chest, then do the timewalking quest and get another 400 chest.

So it’s okay 1 faction gets free loot over the other? Heroic raid level at that. Just stop. I’m off for the night, I’ll check back here tomorrow.

Your 6/8 on heroic so I wouldnt say “a lot”

Wait…who’s side do you think I’m on? I’m against the free loot.
I was saying that with the joke loot system it’s possible that these players who have 6 pieces of 400 gear could actually have looted 7-8 pieces and not required them.

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Its honestly so dumb if they want Alliance PvPing for free easy gear at least make the requirement a party size. If not okay cool keep the raid Size but at least offer the same quest to the horde but keep your 30% bonus.

ofc not
But then again i played bfa with him for three weeks after the raid launched
I wouldn’t say you did a lot too
What horrible itemzation.

27% crit 44% mastery and 6% vers isnt “horrible itemization” for a mistweaver. You can also get back to me when you down heroic ghuun. Dont worry, another few weeks of welfare epics and you might be able to do it.

If blizzard gave us 400 ilvl gear to kill alliance you’d fill the raid before you finished typing.

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they need to do something fast sadly

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Someone must really need warmode to be successful for their resume. This, and the 30%, smells of desperation.


I already knew from the start that having any bonuses tacked on to Warmode was a bad idea. They never should have resorted to incentivizing people to turn on Warmode for buffs. They should have had a checklist or several achievements that gave one-time rewards for it, similar to honor levels.


This. To bad Blizz is way to deep in this now, they messed up huge today and I’m curious to see how the attempt fix it. Even if they give Horde a welfare ilvl 400, it still won’t be enough.

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There was a real simple way to incentivize war mode from the get go but Blizzard was too stupid to do it. War Mode should’ve been a place to get tons of cosmetic rewards like transmogs, mounts, etc. All from achievements earned within War Mode, additionally it should’ve added additional World Quests like the towers and brawls from Legion, which could’ve rewarded conquest, or another currency like the Honorbound Medallions which are used to purchase any rewards they want to add. It should’ve never been something that affected PvE. But like I said, Blizzard was far too dumb to actually do anything like that.


Will they even attempt a fix though? Its been a few hours now and no mention of this issue anywhere outside of this post and no official response even here?

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I would like to thank all the horde that sacrificed themselves to gear my alts.


Only way they can fix, as I see it, is to give the same quest to Horde side and let Horde do it. Even then, the first day of damage and raiding is already done, though to be entirely fair one i400 won’t really affect raids too much. Hell, I already have 5 of them.
They can’t really lower the ilvl of already acquired items though, considering a lot of people already salvaged or sold their old items they would now be without a piece of gear to equip.

TL;DR if you ask me they should just give Horde the same quest and call it a day


Only you can’t do any of this stuff anymore because nothing is allowed to be exclusive. As with everything there would just be a huge outcry and Blizz would then pander to the people who “should be able to get Heroic level gear from WQs because they shouldn’t be punished for not wanting to raid”.

I hate to use it personally but it’s all about entitlement. There are a lot of people now who believe that they should be able to play the game “their way” and still get the rewards of everyone else, regardless of the effort or difficulty involved.

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They can’t, they gave it to them, it wasn’t obscure to them and people spent time and effort to complete the quest. It’s not like anyone was exploiting anything so the players shouldn’t be punished.

Just go double agent like I did. Best of both worlds and demon hunters make it easy.