Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Yea, alliance do pvp fine on EU despite the same racials.

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soo? Did i mention racials? No? Alliance had worse racial than horde in WoD but most pvper were alliance too in US.
Faction imbalance is about mob mentality the reason can be racials, mass streamers etc etc.

I just bothered with WarMode for the first time this expansion by turning it on then camping a Turtle quest with like 2 dozen other people. Was hilarious. Then I got my 400 (gloves, meh) and turned it off

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Iā€™d gladly go back to the days when nothing was handed to you

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I say 2 months because my guess is half the playerbase is casual, meaning casual pvp and LFR for raidingā€¦ they offer much lower gear. For randoms, if you cap each week, it takes 10 weeks to hit the 400 ilvl gear.

Didnā€™t we just discuss Undeads racial because I compared it to Humans.



racials are actually the reason Iā€™m conversing with someone like you right now.


Canā€™t watch vid right now as Iā€™m at work but the belfs left ā€œthe new allianceā€ because of garithos. They then joined Illidan.

Before that they got mucked over by Arthas.

All their problems were caused by Lordaeron humans (now forsaken/scarlet crusade)
Storm wind werenā€™t involved and bloodelves joined horde in TBC. Devs once explained that since the alliance outnumbered horde so badly in vanilla they had to fix it. They also once admitted that the Asian player base had requested a ā€œpretty raceā€ for their girlfriends.
Blizzard then figured out lorewise a way for bloodelves to ally with the horde. And itā€™s a bit iffy because Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d have been hesitant to join undead after losing 90% of their population to undead (probably the same zombies but under different management/mind control)

Iā€™ll just gonna repeat what I said on the other topic: The thing is that for a considerable amount of alliance players - me included - blizzard might as well give a full mythic raid set and 3 years of gametime and we still wouldnā€™t turn warmode on. For some reason the vast majority of people that donā€™t like world PvP are in alliance right now.
I actually think warmode shouldnā€™t have rewards or incentives at all - not even 10%. If you like it, you do it, if you dislike it, you turn it off foreverā€¦
This whole bonus thing was an attempt to bribe all players to engage in a game mode that not everybody like. For people that like world PvP, playing wpvp should be the reward, they donā€™t need to be bribed. As for the rest of us, the ones who hate wPvP so much that there isnā€™t enough bribe in the world to make us turn it on, as this weekā€™s bonus prove, just let us appreciate the game the way it suits us.


What do you care, you have never even run a normal raid.

Thatā€™s why he caresā€¦ easy gear for doing nothing.

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You know what the funny part of this is, they could have made the quest give 5 marks of honor, and people would have done it for them. Those things are a PiTA to get and you need them for so many professions, but instead, blizzard, in there infinite wisdom, decided to let it drop heroic raid tier gear. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not playing this again, just installed ESO and Iā€™m going to that.


Yes i didnt, on this char. Which exists for likeā€¦ 4/5 weeks?
Did it on my pally, a lot though.

Itā€™s ok, if you suck at searching no wonder your conclusions are horrible.

And no sane human beign will care about them.
You must be used to it.

the game, Blizzard will hand you 400 ilvl gear.

Faction balance isnā€™t the same as skill though.

So you are admitting needing 400 gear thrown at you for a quest?

Top two players with highest ilvl are both Alliance and have at least 6 pieces of 400 gear (non-titanforged). One has only done 3 bosses in Heroic. Hmmmā€¦


You can just bonus roll gear get lucky with RNG.


So can they. but they still get a free 400 piece for doing a quest just for having WM enabled.

Well two are guaranteed, the rest absolutely.

Edit: We are also assuming that they only got things they needed, as opposed to potentially getting multiple for a slot and not being able to use them.

lol this thread is going places

At this stage weā€™re just following the game :joy: