Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

No they don’t, otherwise this buff wouldn’t exist.

Can we take getting free heroic raiding gear out of the game? Neither side should be getting free end game gear.


I got home today and banged this quest out on my Alliance toons. Took 10 minutes for each one.

A couple of notes-

  1. The quest can’t be done in a Raid. What you’re seeing is multiple 5 man Groups all in the Incursion area.
  2. Even with the “free” gear and 30% buff the numbers aren’t swapping enough to change things.
  3. The top Mythic Guilds won’t change because it would impact their recruiting and if they won’t faction swap then none of the average Mythic Guilds will either.
  4. I’m shocked that Horde are still keeping Warmode on for Incursions. Is 10% more AP really worth the hassle? It’s not like my toons had minimal targets. There were plenty of Horde to kill.

What how are we chasing easymode… I made an orc warlock BECAUSE SHOULDERPADS. plus lore… I love orcs in general ok leave me alone

They do.
They are just much less than horde. There are more alliance players with WM on nowadays.

Guess it’s never to late to quit the game. What a mess.


So keep allowing casual Alliance to keep getting free Heroic gear in 10 minutes?

I know I’m gonna sound bad to the Alliance, and I’m posting as Alliance, which idc, but it’s because Horde are more about pvp than Alliance. Why would they turn off WM?

120 is 46% Alliance 54% Horde … it’s not like it’s 30/70 or something crazy

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For the Alliance!

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All these Horde players complaining…I’ve been playing since bc and the only expac that alliance excelled in pvp and was more favored was WoD…The rest horde dominated. So that makes it like what 1-6…Vanilla I didn’t play so I couldn’t tell ya, but by looking at racials it looks horde favored

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And M+/Mraid is 70% horde, 1800+ pvp rating is also 70% horde.
And most of WM on are still filled with much more horde.

Nobody cares about people getting 120 and quitting before getting a single mythic dungeon achievment.

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Why not? It’s not like the Alliance are getting World first kills in the Raid or dominating Mythic Plus. I main horde actually and I don’t give a crap what gear the Alliance get other than it’s nice for my Alliance Alts.

And they should turn Warmode off because they come to the forums and complain about getting owned at the incursions by roving bands of Alliance looking to get their quest done. Just turn off Warmode or stop QQ’ing.

The Buff is based on the number of players with Warmode on not the number of 120’s in general btw.

1.3k replies in a day, people are not happy.


The item must be fixed to 385ilvl

Heroic gear for little effort is completely wrong!


At least for a month. Then i think its ok to reset it to Heroic.


Meanwhile in EU:


Seems legit Alliance gets the gear i dont see the problem here.

I’m actually okay with this. 1 month isn’t much, I’d say 2… considering those who just cap CP take 10 weeks to get to 400 ilvl. But 1 month is better than day 1

This is completely BS.

I think you are trying to make a point.
Over 80% of M raids on EU are horde.
Is that how it works?

Warmode still have mroe hordes soo?

It’ll work out just not on day one release XD