Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Alliance contribution is at 81%. So my guess is late tomorrow. Early Thurs at the latest.

The game is working great for them the way it is!? You are nuts my friend.

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We already tried that version of “Warmode” with persistent PvP servers. What we got were PvP servers in name only for either faction. Players naturally migrated themselves.

Which is exactly the root of the complaints we got about population imbalance and lack of participation.

Given the hassles of participating in world PvP, you’re going to need incentives or the play style will be officially dead.

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I think we should go back to the way of gearing through BC/Wrath with badges and stuff, at least it felt worthwhile to earn something then

When was this?

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Okay so now I can say alliance gets a free 30% and heroic ilvl gear sounds fair … oh wait it doesn’t lol. Now we just have alliance farming horde for loot while horde really have no reason to group up in the first place. So realistically were the ones losing this lol. Sounds like a good system

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Awesome, thanks

If it makes anyone feel better, my 375 helm still sims higher than my 400 helm :expressionless:

I just want them to remove all incentives from Warmode, remove the PvE skills from the Warmode Talents, and put them back into base classes, and just let them leave warmode as is.

People still participated on PvP servers without incentives. People will still Participate in Warmode without incentives too.

If it’s one sided, who cares. It’ll be exactly like PvP servers were, wasn’t that the whole point? To recreate PvP servers? Without making people stuck to servers?

World PvP will never be balanced. Stop trying to balance for world PvP.

I didn’t mind the 370 gear, because we were getting showered in 370 gear from much-much earlier on, and it was the end of a raid tier and it didn’t really matter.

But 400 is just silly, I don’t understand why Blizzard is trying to intentionally piss off Supposedly over half their player base.

People aren’t gonna move entire guilds for a weekly quest, people aren’t going to drop their faction, friends, and accomplishments for a 400 item level weekly bonus.

And it certainly seems like horde isn’t just gonna turn off Warmode, and alliance aren’t going to turn it on.

This is ridiculous.


That is the price you need to pay for having the larger population in warmode it seems.

I don’t have a horse in this race, I don’t t pvp at all

If you want to send a message to blizzard everyone on the horde turn off war mode for a week.

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370 gear was heroic version for Uldir. It’s just nobody was able to collect it until the gear was irrelevent. It’ll be the same in a couple weeks/months, who cares

Can we just cancel this expansion yet?


Yes, handing you 400 ilvl gear is the price to pay. No one should have that ilvl gear for doing one quest

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speak for yourself.

I’m not going to speak for myself.

It’s been over 5 weeks, and alliance are constantly getting this weekly quest for not having enough people.

Clearly the alliance are not interested in joining Warmode.

At least, according to blizzard they aren’t.

Tbo that quest shouldn’t even exist for either side

I’ve done WQ that took more work than that


I guess ill actually borher with the carrot quest for a few weeks on my ally toons. Join a group farm a fl, wqs, or incursion for a few hrs once a week. Then wm goess of again.

They keep trying to change the game for the lowest common denominator and it just keeps getting worse.

No we don’t? We start contributing tommorow. Which means next week we get the quest.