Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

:cup_with_straw: :salt:

your facts are wrong. why dont you look up how many alliance have WM enabled during an assault. and then how many have it on after. sorry you cant understand

Don’t worry = very very few alliance will even do that quest because of the horde overpopulation of pvpers.

they could give me 5 pieces of 425 and I would still NEVER pvp in this current state of the stun/lock pvp styled gameplay. It is not dps or healing that matters, only stuns and that is not fun for me at all.

Blizzard gets ripped every time they force alliance to pvp.

Are you drinking salt? :nauseated_face:

They don’t care about the faction imbalance. The game is working great for them the way it is. And if the horde get outnumbered in WM… the quest would be available to them and they would all do it.

The quest isn’t against the rules for the horde to have it. The outnumbered faction has it. Not sure how that is hard to understand.

Oh I know that there are some people who only turn on WM for the assaults and the weekly.

But that doesn’t change the fact that horde still dominates warmode by a massive amount.

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Says the horde

nooo, - maybe… It makes me STRONK, drinking all these horde tears though

Then there won’t be warmode at all evidently.

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I can because the WF gear could titanforge, for 20mins of sitting and afking. Horde got spoonfed AFK welfare epics yet cry when we get something good.

We even get theme songs on the Alliance side as well! /poke

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They only dominate because most Alliance don’t like WPvP.

We got 340s on a 40 minute timer, when both factions could get 355s on a 20 minute timer. What are you on about?

:nauseated_face: again. You know that’s just regurgitated Alliance salty tears :rofl:

How much longer for the Darkshore reset?

Oh right, because they play both factions and the majority of the horde is former Alliance players ye? xD



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Well, Alliance had the majority for the first 7-8 years, so I’d say so.

Horde cry to much should invest in pampers, They had 380 gear forever now they cry, seriously get those pampers horde

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No. Because Alliance cried about warfronts going to horde first (and still are) Either way, gear like this should be earned not just given away for killing 25 players in a week