Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

If you are here for pvp only maybe. Making horde racials better for raiding did cause alot of guilds and people to switch sides.

Not really. The way it works is that the faction with the lesser population gets the increased % rewards and the weekly quest.

Turns out that the horde continue to dominate warmode. So again, you want the “free” epic, ensure that the horde has the lesser population at the end of the week.

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Yea for content you actually have to earn. Getting 25 kills in WM, not that content.

having 400ilvl quest for alliance only and always is not fair the 30% we get it somehow you guys got it by crying but this is going too far now free 400items lol

In other words it’s an Alliance only buff.

So no one is raiding this week. gotcha.

Hey you ever think for one sec that blizz did this so more would stop flooding the horde. So ya they try to incentivize players to balance the factions. If players take advantage of the incentive is on them.


Sure man, let me get right on that. I guess I’m the speaker for the Horde now and with the flick of my wrist I can disable warmode on all Horde.

Dude seriously get your head out of your fourth point of contact.

hahahah your logic is so bad. its really that hard for your tiny brain to understand that horde pvers leave warmode on for islands and that alliance pansies just turn wm on for the assauly or weekly THEN TURN IT OFF hahaha thinking with a brain is hard isnt it?

Sorry if facts insult your fragile ego.

But that is how the system works.

the system is manipulated you BABOON

By BG wins I meant rated bg wins. Capping points through non rated content will yield 385 gear for both factions. This is a quest (for only one side) to kill 25 players and get a 400 ilvl piece. You still don’t see the issue?

Also you got to remember 400 is the new 370 this season. Last several weeks nobody cared when the quest gave you a random 370 cause the game showered you in 370s. Soon enough nobody will care it gives you a 400.

It’s okay the Alliance is waiting for you, it’s not like the Horde got to take advantage of the 370 for the first week or so of uldir. :slight_smile:

Not my logic, it is blizzards logic.

I’m just stating the facts. If you feel the need to resort to childish insults, you have already lost.

Now go away troll.

They stated it would slowly even out as the percentages match, yet we haven’t seen it move yet, so it’s likely not happening this expansion.

Was also a catch up time for alts, as they have always done the last month before a new season/raid.

you are confusing the ilvl gap with a power increase

If the majority of PvP servers are Horde, sharding them with the available Alliance across the connected servers still means you end up with 20 Horde and 1 Alliance player in the shard. I have Alliance characters on a Horde-dominated server and sharding did not save me from population imbalance.

So the dominate faction should just continue to receive all the benefits of Warmode.

Do I have to repeat myself? There shouldn’t be benefits for Warmode