Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

I didn’t know having to kill 25 level 120+ horde characters was “free”

“free” implies you get it for nothing. Which in this case would be getting it the moment you accept the quest. Which isn’t the case.

Quit your crying horde players. I thought the alliance was the “baby” faction.

It’s as free as warfront gear.


I never said they were equivalent. In fact, I implied that they werent in my earlier posts with how blizzard needed to overcompensate for their mistake.

Feel free to reply to my entire post instead of cherry picking something out of context.

Still to the point, non of these changes would have to be made if players did not try to tilt on side vs the other. It not even that the horde/alliance play better than the other. It was just a way to cheat the system. And now you have to watch Blizz try to fix it.

Its as free as heroic gear gets. LFR thinks this is easy


stop comparing their garbage warfront system with this alliance only weekly quest with better gear than the current ilvl cap. morons. open your eyes.

400 is overkill for sure. The quest is fine if it was 385.

It is free, go join your buddies at the flight points. Duh


The horde can get this “free” item if they become the lesser populated faction in warmode.

But that will never happen. So really, it is a you problem.

The free 370 you got at the time says hi.

I don’t think they should be inscentivising warmode like this, but until we get it for multiple weeks (yet to be seen), one week of the same “better by 30 ilvl” gear is equivalent.

Sharding and CRZ came before Warmode.

And creating one-sided incentives will more likely drive players away from the game rather than make them swap sides.

current ilvl cap is 400?

That still requires me to move away from the quest giver. And as i said. Free would mean you get it the moment you pick up the quest.

Keep crying, you’re tears are wonderful.

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No they can’t and since this bonus has existed it has never once turned toward the horde. Your point is null and void.

Gee it’s almost like the forum threads complaining about it for the past few months was justified. You’re right Warmode was a mistake.

If it makes anyone feel better, Alliance will probably get one ilvl 400 belt, and a whole lot of ilvl 400 veiled crystals.

I actually think horde are turning WM off because there are alliance raids at various horde camps waiting for them to go in or come out. When 1 shows up they get killed in a few seconds. It took about 2 hours to do this quest due to the lack of horde in WM at the moment.

it has already been stated in the patch notes, the max ilvl from m+ and pvp this week is 385. sheesh.

It’s not trying to get people to swap sides. It’s trying to get people on one side to engage in the activity. Which I only did because of the reward and them promptly turned it off.

If they could just somehow be fine with letting certain aspects of their game die naturally and then shift their attention, that’d be great. But this is the “you think you do, but you don’t” company.


If it was 10 3’s wins or 10 BG wins, this thread would still exist and point it out as a problem, because the faction who already has the advantage wouldn’t want the playing field to level out a bit. And yes I know I know, the reason is because horde players are just so so good, and alliance just doesn’t know how to play.

We know we know :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: