Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

well the excuse i always hear now that racials have been nuked to nothing is that its not work the cost for a lateral change. But if the cost factor was removed it may motivate guilds to uproot and join the alliance.

Stupid argument and you know it. If this was just Alliances week to get the 400 gear, it would be different. Horde will NEVER get this quest.

Also, you DO realize it’s ALSO your week for 400 darkshore gear right?

Warmode off first time this expansion. Im not paying for Alliances welfare epics.


It wont really matter in a couple weeks anyways. Much like how Horde complained the first time around.

So instead of doing heroic raids, you are envisioning people just passing on raiding all together and stating (I will just wait till next week and do that quest and hope I get a piece of gear I need). This quest is a bonus- that is not guaranteed to last till the end of the xpac, it is not a complete replacement for the end game content. Nobody will get fully geared strictly off of this quest, and if they do it will take months- and by them the avg ilvl will be 415+

That isn’t what I was saying, giving those raid teams full sets of fear won’t make them better.

Why are you so upset when you get WF darkshore 400 tomorrow? You’ll also be able to do it for every single alt for an AFK instance unlike us who have to kill 25 horde for it.

You say that but even clearing raids sometimes i go weeks without a drop. This is guaranteed loot

getting a potential titanforge from the baseline 400ilvl equipment box ? hahahaha grow a brain plz

Man, seems like that Horde bias was all a hoax.

Cause you totally didn’t get welfare epics from Arathi 340 right? On a non stop no ilvl basis?

I’m just tired of the implication that Alliance doesn’t have good players and Horde side is the only place they exist. Alliance just doesn’t have enough of them and its not completely their fault.

You can go weeks with out any gear from raiding bruh.
Yet the Alliance are getting a free heroic draz piece at ilvl 400 every week, guaranteed.

This is literally the definition of an “Unfair advantage”

oh there will be another thread trying to convince blizzard were favored tomorrow. It never ends

Warmode was introduced in BfA. Legion still saw Horde-dominated servers for many if not most PvP servers.

PvPers have complained for years about the state of world PvP. About the lack of participation, about the population imbalance. If you won’t accept incentives, the only other way to fix it would be impose restrictions on how many from each side could enter Warmode at any given time to maintain balance. Which in turn could mean many never, ever see world PvP in any given game session.

But make no mistake, if the participation rates (and Blizzard tracks everything) are continually low for one faction, the other faction is gaining a benefit in far greater magnitude in Warmode than the current buff compensates for the first faction or through any single piece of gear. Easier access to quests, world bosses, gear, resources, etc.

stop bringing up the warfront you ooker, there is no comparison. go get an education.

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Most Horde didn’t even do it in the 3 days. It was a bug and everyone thought they would be able to do it when they had no work/school.

If my friends weren’t on Alliance, I would transfer my main to Horde. I have a Horde alt and when I ask for help with whatever I’m trying to do, people respond. It’s almost like being back in BC.

WPVP is ded. Accept that the only way alli will participate is if they have a near guaranteed victory and a carrot or don’t, but what you want (natural WPVP where both sides just participate because) is not happening.

I’m going right back to WM off and will not WPVP unless there’s a reward. I just want to log in, raid, log off. The rest of the game is garbage and the only reason I do more than that is if it gives me performance enhancements in my raid.

Nope it was more of an example on why gear rewards like this are bad. Like I said, if it were “get 10 3s wins” or “get 10 RBG wins” then I could see this level of gear being rewarded