Alliance gets FREE ilvl 400 weekly!? What the!?

Or just not there at all. Just to kill 25 players?

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It is if you want to raid mythic.

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Id say give a window of free xfers for the horde. Then guilds can pick up and go to the alliance without the excuse of cost weighing them down. When the #s become close then turn it off.

That would do far more than the 30%

True. But this is about WM handing out heroic raid level gear.

Not since Legion.

Why the hell should we pressure people to PvP if they don’t want to? The incentives should be removed entirely.


Agreed, the incentive should be WPvP. You either like doing it or you don’t.


Yeah it’s really bad right now, the alliance don’t have to raid the raid for ilvl 400 gear they just have to raid the flight points.

Wonderful system Blizzard has in place. Likewise I find it amusing that all other rewards this week are capped at 385, yet the Alliance can camp flight points for ilvl 400 gear.

Exactly- and according to this thread, alliance players are all sh*t, and horde players are gods amongst men, that is the reason for the statistical difference in progression for both factions… so there should be no issue. This piece of gear will do nothing- so what is the QQ about?

There are more Horde players in WM compared to Ally, so we get a bonus for turning it on.

Guess that means horde was the weakest faction back when you got WF at the beginning of the expansions :rofl: how bad does that make you look you needed devs head start help

Playing Horde doesn’t inherently make a player a better player. Choosing horde doesn’t make a player a better player. Lots of good players are on horde right now and it didn’t happen in a vacuum.

It happened because Blizzard was asleep at the wheel.

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Because giving players gear they don’t deserve doesn’t encourage them to do the content that should be giving them that gear.

It’s basically like, why do heroic raids when I can just kill 25 players in a day and get comparable gear? Or why cap conquest points to get gear less ilvl than those who killed 25 players in 10 minutes (yes, it can happen that quick)

This is I think really the crux of most of the arguments. I could care less about the 30% buff (heck, make it 50%) but the fact that there is a reward tied to it for doing the exact same thing I am but I am getting different outputs is just bad for the game in general.


But why would anyone leave the Horde? I can’t think of a reason. They have the best raid scene, PvP scene, Mythic + and a totally different community.

What are you even talking about bruh?

You are getting a free ilvl 400 piece every week, including the very first day the new raid came out. While all other sources of gear are capped at 385?

How do you not see a problem with this?

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It was free 10%. Because of the broken sharding alliance were always outnumbered. Thus, horde never really had to fear being ganked and could enjoy the free 10%.

Blizzard needs to fix this this week and fast… i cant even go on maps and do world quests every flying point alliance 40-man camping… wth needs to be fixed NOW

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oh my goodness the ignorance and inexperience in this thread. the alliance seem so salty from warfronts that they have crusted over and crystallized . stop comparing apples to oranges. if you arent sophisticated enough to look at the big picture and put your biased ego aside then just stay out of the conversation ha!

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30% or even 50% is more reward for someone doing the exact same WQ. It’s not like Alliance is going to grow a mythic guild community in WoW’s current state.

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This is not the same as a piece of heroic gear. How are people even still arguing for this? I’m like their #1 fanboi most times and even I see the problem :rofl: