Alliance exploiting battle for Ashenvale

I don’t care what you think about it. I’m just calling you out on saying it isn’t true.

There’s no reason to lie about it if it “isn’t a big deal”


Considering that in the time Horde kills one boss, Alli has killed 3. I don’t think it’s the exploit that’s carrying them. Might help, but it’s not going to save them.

Would love to see the total statistics, total wins and losses for both factions.

I bet Alliance wins about 80% of the time.


Engaging with the chronic forum poster is only going to enable him more. Just report him for trolling imo.

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It’s Aggrend and the dev team catering to streamers that carries Alliance.

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I am not on a streamer server.
It’s just bad teaming.

I go to Ash, Alli has a 2 and half raids formed.
Horde is maybe working on their second.
Almost 2 weeks of this pattern.

The exploit helps, it is not carrying them.

Realistically? Both! This is just how layering is. Even if the SERVER is faction balance, the individual layers might have very heavy skews because of how easily players can manipulate which layer they are on.

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Whoa. WHOOOOA. That’s not allowed here. Logic is forbidden among the people here. :rofl:

This is the real issue because Ashenvale is also layer-based. People have been stacking layers by arriving early and recruiting early to force more of their faction per layer. It’s pretty obvious when you get on the trash layer when the horde kills all 3 of our lieutenants before we down 1 of theirs.

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Things that never happen.

Oh look, two posts. :joy:

Wait until you find out there are multiple servers and multiple layers in those servers and then you will be surprised to find out the horde doesn’t always lose.


They are going to suggest you’re my alt or something. :rofl:

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They just lose 80% of the time due to design choices.


My post wasn’t sensationalized at all. We killed 3/3 bosses and couldn’t attack the boss (immune). Alliance then killed 3/3 bosses and was able to attack the boss and win.

That’s literally what happened. If it sounds sensationalized, then perhaps you’ve reached an epiphany.

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I play on alliance because paladins are alliance only. If paladins were on horde, I might have rolled there first.

happens on layer 2 and 5 of wild growth all the time

I’ve had the exact opposite happen on alliance. Horde boss was immune so we just camped moonwell.

I haven’t seen what the OP is suggesting and i’ve done a couple ashenvales today. People do kite the mirror images across the water after boss is dead though.

Really hope this gets fixed soon!

I just wonder what it will take for Blizzard to acknowledge the Alliance bias. Since we know enough people won’t actually unsubscribe in large enough numbers to affect their bottom line, we will be stuck with this crap. It’s frustrating as hell because I’m one of those people who enjoys the rivalry and takes it seriously enough that I have NEVER played Alliance. I hate their faction.

There are more ally on most servers and that is an undisputable fact. Ally being locked and horde have NEVER had character creation locked.

We were winning a lot of Trashenvales on horde on living flame until ally figured out how to exploit boss across the river

Ha gottem.

Imagine ally reading this and trying it out and boss just regens to max health and us Horde winning everytime. 4D chess, well done OP. This is psychological warfare.