[A] [EST] [PAGLE] <Triumvirate> | Community & Raiding

I want to join

That is great news, Merian! Hop on over to our Discord and one of our recruitment officers will be available for a chat!

Your face is a chat.

Like Kyst said, hop on by our Discord to chat with us :slight_smile:

Yes, we promise not to bite. Well, I promise not to bite. I can’t say the same thing for Cryptic.

I don’t bite too hard :smiley:

Just a lil nibble?

Heya! I am looking for a great community to adventure with in Classic and I liked what I read with this post. Currently making the grind to 60 as a Holy Paladin, Starliter.

Unfortunately, the Discord link provided has expired. I will check back later and/or reach out to one of the recruiters listed. Cheers! =)

Sorry about that Astrid… I’ve changed it to a different perma-link to hopefully avoid that in the future!

Gosh, I just love new people! I hope to see you in Discord soon!

Inb4 you scare them away Kyst.

“post must be more than 10 characters so here’s more than 10 characters”


E a t t h i s

I have tribal leatherworking completed and the devilsaur gloves pattern in my bank ready to learn when I get to rugged leather. You know you want to be a part of this… Come join our devilsaur raid, get your pre raid bis.

Kazooki is the real MVP… without his leather, I couldn’t make all the 12slot bags for guildies :smiley:

Your face is leather!

Wow, you finally got one that made sense. /golfclap

Couple more weeks til raiding!

On the road to victory !

I think you’ve made a wrong turn. You’re headed toward Piggly Wiggly.