Alliance clear advantage on AV

ya i like when shamans tank

try → Maj+M

Ya i wish horde had spots to kite the marshals like alliance do in AV

Damned alliance, fighting on objectives that are worth more and not roads.

I don’t know how many times I’ve just accepted me getting jumped on road in transit. And stretch out the fight. I use the capping add ons.

I see the burn coming soon, or our guys need a second to reset a bunker. I see 2-3 horde who could maybe save that tower or be +2/3 to make sure the alliance bunker burns for them.

if only they’d followed the rule fight on objectives, not roads. And I tie them up in pointless road fight.

I die, but we burn the tower/we reset bunker. In eve pvp we call that a tradeoff. You sacrifice a ship or 2 as a tradeoff to get a better outcome. Planned loss(es) to get a victory.

Ally has an advantage in AV and also have. But you can still win as Horde. It is not such an advantage that it makes impossible for the Horde, it’s just a tiny bit of an advantage that makes it slightly more easy for the Alliance.
We still don’t have shamans in SoD for Ally yet so… go ahead and wreck some stuff with your shaman. Mages kinda suck in SoD btw… you regret getting all the way to 60 on yours too? I quit this SoD mage. Havent played it in a long time. Got a bunch of paladins and a shaman too. Shammy slaps. Melt your face off with a shaman for sure.

News flash alliance wins the rush game in av 85% of the time because of the base layouts. Horde base npcs can be avoided and not aggro’d. Alliance base the npcs aggro.

The other advantage is alliance players are smarter at the rush game. Horde are not.

All 40 alliance players rush south they grab the two towers and defend them and wait until they flip.

Horde get the north and south bunker and then leave them undefended a rogue can take them back.

Scorched earth is the best way for horde to win use the cave and racial advantage.

No one is fighting objectives, you just run to boss and burn him, and kings makes that much easier due to higher hp pools on melee to live through cleave

Stop assuming both alliance and horde are competent enough to pull and fight 5 PVE npc ok?

I’m sure there are more failed attempts at taking down 5 PVE npc who only uses 2 skills namely charge and cleave.

Also since its PVE NPC fight why are people in PVP gear and spec vs PVE npc’s???

Like tank and gear up and fight these PVE NPC similar to how you do in raids and 5 man dungeons

You don’t fight them, a mage/hunter pulls them out and you kill the boss while they are gone. Prob 80% of my games either alliance or horde win this way in 6m

Thank you captain literal.

That’s crazy. Somehow, with all the trials and tribulations that Horde have to go through and all those mobs they apparently cannot avoid and have to kill, the fastest Horde kill is on par with the fastest Alliance kill.

Weird how that works.

If Horde were impacted as much as you imply, you would not be winning at 6 minutes, you would be finishing 7+ every game.

Literally nothing about the Rush strategy impacts Horde, so stop pretending it does.

Where? I haven’t seen alliance win one yet! mostly falls apart once the kill drek or kek strat fails and everyone is trapped in the alliance base for a while because they get zero graveyards a long the way. then everyone in fights and calls each other names.

News flash, in a zug vs zug horde wins 15-18 sec before alliance provided equal gear and skill.

Play better

All I have to say is that you knew what BG’s were like before fresh anniv servers launched and you still chose the faction that you chose.