All you cats out there

Feral druids I gotta ask now granted I’ve been Boomy since wrath with a dabble in Resto never really went feral how are they casual pvp and pve wise can they solo old raids like ones in Legion pretty easy which covenants suit them best with 9.1.5 now out. I’ve heard folks say never use swipe and other stuff any help would be appreciated.

Swipe will usually get replaced by Brual Slash talent, and if youre worried feral has bad aoe/cleave, that is unfortunately true.

However, feral rocks at almost everything else. It’s just great. I don’t know about soloing legion specific dungeons/raids but I gotta imagine it’s possible. If not you can just go bear and nothing will give you a problem.

Causal pvp feral feels like a God. Running around korthia can just take any 1v1 and most 2v1s… and if you get jumped by several you at least have a chance to survive and run.

Covenants you want to be necrolord or night fae. Either one is very powerful. For 9.2 it’s probably going to side more towards night fae unless the necrolord legendary gets a redesign.

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Why do you say this? Are people pairing legendary combos already? If so, which legendaries are they saying will fit with the night fae legendary?

In PVE, NF legendary pairings will be CS + whatever legendary you were using for that fight type before CS came out.

so if you want to equip 2 legendaries, 1 of them must be your current covenant’s legendary.

so the only one that has a good covenant legendary is Night Fae with Celesital Spirits

and then to pair with that its going to depend on what you’re facing. 1 minute Convoke really doesnt need damage increase so im maybe thinking Natural Order’s Will for better survivability, or else Cat’s Eye Curio for more damage, maybe even Draught of Deep Focus for more sustained damage outside of convokes. IDk. it will take some experimentation but those are the ones im thinking look good.