All warriors are alpha males

Gonna need a healer for that one…

Warriors and maybe survival hunters are the only melee classes to not rely on outside powers and forces as a crutch. And that’s awesome.

A paladin needs to channel an outside force to do what comes easily to a slightly tilted warrior.

A shaman is a slave to the whims of the elements, Warriors do what they want, when they want.

Death nights and Demon hunters are forever altered in ways that taint their emotions. Warriors can calm down any time they want. They just don’t want to.

Rogues are cowards. Druids are furries. Warriors are neither.

oh that explains why you guys are so dumb

Warriors the most brown of all classes

Alpha male is a state of mind

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Ha. The irony is that bottoms are defined by “taking it”.

Don’t hate cause you can’t shoot lazor beams!

Okay but… hunters…we’re the real apex predators.

Hey, they are not to be treated lightly :sunrise: :sunrise: :sunrise:

I read that as, ‘all warriors are Alpha Male and like being fisted, deal with it?’

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