All warriors are alpha males

I resemble this remark.

I made a Warrior and literally RP her as an invalid. Also, female.

Fight me.

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That’s why I make a rogue wear a red cape in all my groups. Infinite rage!

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We’re just tanking the floor for the rest of your scrubs


Yes but according to the OP you’re the alpha of grandmas.

I always picture warriors as the generic grunt/foot soldiers. They see everyone else do cool stuff and in turn all they can do it shout and rage :stuck_out_tongue:

Does a vulpera bleed when you chop it in half with an axe? :fox_face: :drop_of_blood: :axe:

The Virgin Warrior:

  • Teleports to his target because he’s too lazy to run
  • Jumps 90 yards away if he gets a little booboo
  • Can’t do anything without a babysitter to dispel him
  • Shouts at the top of his lungs to get attention
  • Brown armor

The Chad Paladin:

  • Never skips leg day
  • Always the last to leave battle (because pony is on cooldown)
  • Chosen by the gods
  • Laughs in the face of death, repeatedly
  • Bling for days


did you just assume my gender, lol?
What about female warriors? :wink:

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A true alpha male is that way because of the way others react to them. They never have to actually tell anyone that they’re an alpha male, they just are. If you have to go around telling everyone you’re an alpha male, maybe you’re not.

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Not just the alpha males, but the alpha women and alpha children too.

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Pardon? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Much better. :smiley:

Everything bleeds when you chop it in half.

Darth Maul intensifies

In the Warrior club the women are men, the children are men

and the men are, of course, men.


“All Warriors are Alpha Males.”

Checks out, since everytime I Heroic Leap in to a Tavern, all the women (and a “man” or two) suddenly have to take a break from
 whatever it is they were doing just prior to my manly entrance.

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Doesn’t automatically mean its a good thing. Sometimes the aggressive nature of being an alpha male can backfire.

Excuse me, Regressor?

PS: I’m enjoying pride month. :rainbow_flag:

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Rogues beat demon hunters every time lol.

Even the females.