All tier from new raid has haste stat

Is this intended? WW’s lowest prio, at least for 9.1 was haste, because the leggo gives you all the haste you need for your CD window. I assume it is going to be the same in 9.2, so why put haste on every piece of Monk tier? At least even the stats around a bit…

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Do mists use haste? Because beyond a minimum of like 10, maybe 15% brew doesn’t “need” it.

Not… extremely? It’s pretty much only used for smoothing out ATotM, but generally unwanted.

Yea I actually noticed that most of the Rogue tier has haste as well. Hopefully they mess around with the stats a bit but if not oh well, WW will just sit at 10% or so haste.

That’s surprising. Haste has been the lowest tier stat for us (Windwalkers) since, like, the creation of the monk class. It’s almost like nobody at Blizzard actually plays a WW…

edit for clarity


Its almost like the tierset isn’t just for windwalker but rather all of monk

The issue isn’t that there’s Haste on some of the pieces but that it’s on ALL of the pieces.

I think one reason why has to do with secondary stat diminishing returns. With the introduction of shadowlands, after a certain amount of secondary stat rating, the % of secondary stat that you gain per rating decreases (not to mention just standard diminishing returns from stacking 1 stat).

I believe (but could be wrong) that secondary stat budget also increases nonlinearly with ilvl. The result is that if you were to continue to just stack crit/vers all the way until the end, you would be hitting the wall with both diminishing returns from having more than X rating, but also hitting standard diminishing returns on secondary stats. You would be gaining less crit % per rating but also crit each additional 1% of crit becomes less valuable as you approach 100% crit. After some point, it becomes better to cast additional spells than to have 1 more spell crit, because there is already such a high chance that the additional spells will crit.

Thinking about both of these things, its likely that you will still have relatively similar amounts of crit/vers as in this 9.1.5 patch due to the stats on your nontier set pieces, but now you will also have a larger base amount of haste which will speed up your rotation and contribute to more DPS in other ways (such as reducing ramp time building Crane Stacks for WW AoE).

After thinking about it some more, I think another HUGE factor for the haste being present on the tier pieces is the 4P set bonus for WW itself. After casting 10 abilities you gain a significant damage buff. Its very likely that you will see haste increase a lot in value because it will allow you to gain the 4P bonus more frequently.

There is so many possible combinations of stats you can have on pieces. Yes it is randomly weighted more towards haste but that isn’t the end of the world. The amount of DPS you’re actually giving up for having haste on 3 - 4 pieces is insignificant

Do the other specs want haste? I thought BrM and MW wanted like Crit/Vers.

Haste doesn’t lower our GCD. Unless you’re speaking from the perspective of maintaining resource generation, but even then we’re not that bled dry in that department.

I do miss the days where I had 0% haste though. They were good times. Though that may be related to those times being the end of Legion and 8.3 where I got to sit at 90% vers all the time.

MW wants
Primary stat > crit > haste = vers >> mastery

Haste and vers are equally weighted but most MWs like to have a solid base of haste to make the flow more fluid

I know you’re talking about WW/Brew but it does lower the GCD for MW :stuck_out_tongue:

This all sounds like MW should just have its GCD set to 1 second like WW and BrM.

I mean… I’m not against it but it would also just be a very weird outlier and break the rule they have set for GCDs

Outlier amongst the other healers, but in line with the other monk specs.

As for the other healers, I can’t say I’m too fond of them because of PvP, so I don’t really care if MW beats them in this metric. As an upside, it does help encourage fist weaving.

There is a rule in wow that is
if you're an energy user your GCD is 1 second but static
while all non energy users have
1.5 second GCD but reduced with haste down to .75 seconds (hard limit independent of haste)

Its not really against healers or what not but rather rules that have stood true for 6 years.
Tho pre legion there was a skill we had that did make our GCD 1 second iirc (that is a long time ago so memory fuzzy)

In terms of class design, it makes the most sense that monk would deviate the most when it comes to GCD. It’s still mind boggling to me that WW has a GCD of 1 second considering that IRL martial artists go faster than that. Even more so than MW being limited by arbitrary precedent.

It’s always disappointing to see how much we can do with reduced or non-existent GCD because we’re rarely allowed to play like that. However, that’s a talk for another day.

It’s still weird as hell that every piece has haste.

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is it truly random when they all have it though? cause that’s just a huge yikes… BM monks need as little haste as possible

Yea I need to remember that about WW GCD, I don’t main WW so just trying my best to rationalize their decisions.

If you don’t get GCD reduction, I’d Invoker’s strong then because it reduces the cool down of RSK/FOF during Xuen and increases resource generation so you can use more BOK for cool down reduction?

I would not be surprised if there is a haste breakpoint with the WW 4P so that having a specific cool down on RSK/FOF makes it so they line up better with the 4P bonus but who knows?

I should highly note that I only consider the Tier pieces as the ones that are REQUIRED for the set. Not all the pieces of the tier that don’t have the power to activate the set

It actually does lower the gcd of both rsk and bok which are big part of a mw hps output.